How To Download Attack Of The B Team

Attack Of The B Team Download - The result is Attack of the B-Team! Attack of the B-Team - Technic Platform. Attack Of The B Team Download. Posted on 14 Mar. The result is Attack of the B-Team Server! Attack of the B-Team website Download Technic Pack Launcher Managed Minecraft Hosting. Minecraft Attack Of The B-Team Servers Servers: 30 Attack of the B-Team is Technic's first ever modpack to launch in conjuction with a charity fundraiser. 100% of all donations will be sent directly to Child's Play.

1 & 2: I'm using the Tekkit and Attack of the B-Team modpacks from the Technic Launcher. Their current Minecraft versions are both 1.6.4 I think.

3: The following log is from my 'logs' folder when I search %appdata% and open the .technic folder - from today when I tried to launch Tekkit:

How To Download Attack Of The B Team

The end part where the error occurs:

4: Computer specs.. All I know is it's a 64-bit Windows 7. Where can I find other stuff?

5: AotBT kept running out of memory and I found out that to solve this, I could allocate more RAM using the gear at the top-right of the Technic Launcher. However, I had to get 64-bit Java to add more than just 1 GB. I downloaded JRE 8 release 25 to solve this, and immediately allocated 2 GB instead of 1. Ever since then, the launcher has disappeared after hitting 'Play' as usual, but it has reappeared a few seconds after and no game is launched. The exact same thing happens with Tekkit.

6: I tried uninstalling the 32-bit Java 7 that I previously used, but that didn't work. The same issue keeps happening. Being not all that good at fixing this stuff, I don't know what else to do.

Stalker call of pripyat free download. I'd like to know how to fix this issue so I can play these modpacks, as they are my favorite packs in the Technic Launcher.

How To Download Attack Of The B Team Without Technic Launcher

Ryan CourtneyRyan Courtney

2 Answers

I'm assuming you're using Java 8. According to this Technic Platform news post, Java 8 Update 20 and later are incompatible with Forge Modloader, which is at the heart of the Technic Platform modpacks. They recommend downgrading to the last version of Java 7, which you can get here.


What's wrong?

The Technic launcher fails to get to the point where it starts loading Minecraft (actually open the minecraft.jar.

Possible Solutions

  1. Run the modpack on a seperate launcher (ie. MagicLauncher or MultiMC)
  2. Check if your Java has sufficient read-write permissions.
  3. Make sure you have allocated enough memory.
    (PermGen space and allocated RAM are two different things. One is used to start the game, the other is to run it)
  4. Make sure you have enough hard drive memory.
  5. Use Java 7 instead of Java 8.

Note on #3: You can't define the PermGen space in the Technic Launcher only the allocated RAM.


protected by FrankMar 8 '15 at 13:03

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