How To Increase Torrent Download Speed

For many people, the distributed peer-to-peer download power of torrents isn’t all it’s made out to be. If you’re feeling drowned in fake files, choking from ISP speed throttling, and sick of being told you’re unconnectable – this guide is for you. We’ll have your torrent downloads in tip-top shape in no time. Note, I’m not touching on security here. If you’re paranoid about your ISP or the RIAA, your only solution is to run everything you do through a VPN and be done with it. If you follow everything I show you here, your torrent overview screen should soon be capable of looking like this:

Jun 26, 2006 - This might hurt your downloading speed because it wont let you connect to. Next you need to configure your torrent client to allow 50-100 max.

Open Those Ports!

Your first step how to speed up torrent downloads is to ensure you can actually be connected to from other peers. The latest version of uTorrent is able to test this for you, so launch the Setup Guide from the Options menu. If you have an older uTorrent, you can test specific ports using this tool.

By default, uTorrent will attempt to auto-configure your router using uPnP, which solves so many problems. If your router isn’t compatible, this will fail – but you can perform the following steps to forward the ports correctly.

Open up a command prompt from Windows, and type ipconfig. Find the IPv4 address of the form 192.168.x.x and note it down.

Open up uTorrent Options-> Preferences -> Connection , and choose your own port or note down the one it has chosen for you. Make sure “randomise port each start” is not checked.

Open up your router config page and look for PORT FORWARDING. Yours may be different, but they are all basically similar. Name the forwarding rule, add the first and last port you want forwarded (just enter the same value in this case), and the IP address or the machine you want forwarded to.

Note that if your network is running an automatic addressing scheme, you may need to reconfigure this if you shut down and are given a new address. You can read my previous tutorial here on how to reserve a permanent IP addressWhat Is a Static IP Address? Here's Why You Don't Need OneWhat Is a Static IP Address? Here's Why You Don't Need OneRouter-assigned IP addresses change occasionally, while static IP addresses do not. Here's why you don't really need one.Read More from your router.

How To Increase Download Speed In Torrent App

Be sure to re-test when you’re done, though you may need to restart your router.

ISP Throttling & Traffic Shaping

Assuming you’ve gone through all the other steps in this guide and your torrents are still slow, then it’s quite possible that your ISP is shaping your traffic somehow.

This tool from Glasnost can help you tell if your ISP is throttling your speed and specifically tests torrent protocol.

If you find you’re being restricted, you have two possible courses of action. The first is to switch your ISP to one less draconic. In the UK at least, I know Virgin Media are very open about their traffic policies, and do perform some outright speed restrictions (not just on your torrent traffic) if your download/upload goes beyond a certain point during peak times. In general though, they have the least restrictive of any UK ISP.

Your second option is to use a VPN to encrypt your traffic, making it impossible for your ISP to inspect what you are actually doing. Bear in mind this only works if they are “shaping” your traffic for specific protocols, rather than placing general restrictions on the total amount of traffic you can use.

We covered some free solutions before, and you can read a complete explanation of what a VPN is here – but when choosing a service for you it’s important to note that most VPN services explicitly DON’T allow torrent traffic, and certainly not any that are free. The best two paid services I know of that do allow unlimited torrent trafficThe Best VPN for Torrenting: ExpressVPN vs. CyberGhost vs. MullvadThe Best VPN for Torrenting: ExpressVPN vs. CyberGhost vs. MullvadWith hundreds of VPN providers out there, it can be difficult to find the right one to meet your needs. For torrenting, you'll want to stick to one of these.Read More are and

Enable DHT Or Join A Private Tracker

How to increase torrent download speed

I extolled the virtues of private trackers with their ridiculously fast download speeds and high quality torrents last week in my 9 Easy Ways To Never Get A Virus10 Easy Ways to Never Get a Virus10 Easy Ways to Never Get a VirusWith a little basic training, you can completely avoid the problem of viruses and malware on your computers and mobile devices. Now you can calm down and enjoy the internet!Read More article, but be aware that private trackers generally don’t allow peer exchange and DHT to be enabled because it prevents the system from counting your ratio correctly, effectively letting certain users “cheat”. So personally, I would recommend you DISABLE DHT and join a good private tracker or two, but if you can’t find your way into one…

Make sure DHT and peer exchange is enabled from the connections screen. This will have the fortunate side effect of meaning you can still find peers even when the tracker is down.

Windows Firewall

Make sure the firewall exception is on, or turn off the Windows firewall entirely. Again, do this from the connections screen of uTorrent options if you wish to add an exception.

In my opinion it’s another of those unnecessary security precautions like anti-virus that ends up causing far more problems that it’s worth. To turn off the firewall completely, click Start and type “firewall“. Open the first option in the Control Panel results, and you’ll see a link on the sidebar to completely disable it.

Don’t Be A Leech

If you set your torrent client to severely restrict the amount of uploading it can do, and basically just leech the files, most private trackers will restrict the amount you can download too. Make sure you are fully able and willing to give back to the community.


Best Utorrent Settings For Speed

What kind of speeds do you get for torrents, and is that your ISPs fault? Do you have a restrictive ISP and would like to shame them in the comments? Do you still use public trackers? Go ahead and tell the world in the comments! Alternatively, ask for ISP specific advice in the ever growing tech questions community we have here at MakeUseOf.

Explore more about: BitTorrent, .

  1. I am Downloading Assasin's Creed and it downloaded upto 96%. Then suddenly the download speed is 0.0Kb/s and rarely goes to 0.1Kb/s.But the upload speed is upto 47.4Kb/s. Please help me fix this issue.

  2. i currently can only connect to the internet through a wifi hotspot that i don't pay for. i have no actual subscription to a service im only able to use my laptops wifi capabilities to connect to an unsecured neighbors internet. can i still use the information you've provided with my current situation or do i need to actually buy and install my own internet service? please help me im stuck in the stone age and need to find a way to make it work. thank you for your time and valuable information

  3. how do you find port forwarding

  4. is this trick work in india toooo

  5. Thanks a lot!!!!
    It had doubled my original speed in torrent...

  6. Thank you you save me!
    John, from Greece

  7. Hey, I used to get amazing torrent speeds in my new Internet connection. Don't know how but for a month, I got like 5-6 mbps speed for torrents but I had an internet plan of 1mbps only. Its obvious that I wouldn't get 5-6mbps torrent speed in a 1mbps connection. One day I did some router configurations for my gaming and the torrent speed got down and never came back. Can you place help me regain it?

    • restore your router to default setting.? You were probably just getting lucky.

  8. James Bruce :- does dis tricks even works in india or only in UK????

    • Don't be stupid, this is the internet, not a country.

  9. I have AT&T Uverse, and I am supposed to get 10mb dl and 1.5mb?? upload.. However, when I download torrents (via public or private trackers), my speed maxes out at 700kb/s. I have followed the advice given here and other sites, but I still get maxed out. Any suggestions?

  10. i hav a 256 kbps net connection and using some tricks of mine i got about 20 mbps speed in utorrent
    i've made these tricks myself (i'm a bit of hacker) but when i tried it on my friends pc it wasn't working so maybe these tricks work on only my isp.
    i'm more than satisfied by this speed coz i can download a 1.5 gb movie in just about 10-12 minutes:)

    • would u tell me the trick

      • There is no trick, this guys is A: Full of shit B: Not a hacker or tech savvy.

        Particularly compelling are the dream sequences, which almost look like animated Van Gogh paintings. Joseph king of dreams download.

  11. How about BitTorrent ?

  12. Any advise for a 1Mbps home broadband pity home user for the same topic?


    • My advice; Do not use all caps. No-one will help you if you use caps in this way because you are effectively SHOUTING at the reader. Would you help someone who SHOUTS at you?

      • Agreed, using call caps is very rude!

    • Did you download uTorrent from their website?

  14. Awesome tips James! I get the feeling this was in response to me asking for some advice in your show & tell post. B-) Clip art borders are very popular nowadays as they are ideal for enhancing the beauty of various casual applications. They look very attractive in scrapbooks and various art projects with people looking for trendy clip art borders online.

    Out of curiosity, what speed level are you at with your isp? (Am I correct in guessing you're in the UK?)

    I think I've already got most of these done on my setup, but I'll be double checking it later for sure.

  15. how can we do this in a mac

  • Language
vinit - - Latest reply: Lee - Mar 13, 2017 at 04:11 PM
Hello, sir/ma'm
I have 54 Mbps wi-fi connection; how can I get maximum downloading speed for torrents, please help.
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approved by Jean-François Pillou on Nov 29, 2018
Thank you
1. first set your upload limit to minimum.
2. download the file which has greater number of seeders and less number of leechers.
3. settings -> bandwith connection -> enable
More info here:

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