My Computer Wont Let Me Download Anything Windows 8

Why Won't My Computer Let Me Download Anything? Users should make sure that the computer being used to download files has an Internet connection. If the computer is unable to connect to the Internet, it has no chance of downloading files. Windows won t let me download anything why can't my laptop download anything.

Trying to install a Silverlight Update, a Java update or other software, I get this window:

What could be the problem?


5 Answers

A few things you should take a look at.

  1. Make sure you have full administrative priviledges on the computer, and make sure you start the installer as administrator. (To make sure, right-click on the icon, and choose 'Run as Administrator.')

  2. Make sure you download and run the installer for YOUR user folder or from a network share that you have full administrative rights to.

  3. If none of this works, go to your start menu and type in: 'Disk Cleanup' start the program and select the 'Temporary Files' checkbox and start the process. This may help to delete some failed install that you have living on your system and causing the error.

Good luck!


If you run sysinternals process explorer, you might be able to see the MS installer process msiexec.exe running. I killed off this process, an then re-attempted the silverlight install and it seemed to install OK.

I can't guarantee that this is the best way to do this though...

Matthew DresserMatthew Dresser

Try and restart Windows Installer using the following commands in an elevated command prompt.



We had a strange one like this were the user had put a file into C:Users which had the same name as their profile. That is the folder C:UsersUSERNAME contained their profile but they had a text document called USERNAME (no extension) also in C:Users.

Try repairing your file and registry permissions with SubInACL.

  1. Download SubInACL from
  2. Install the program
  3. Copy the script at and execute it as instructed there.
Zian ChoyZian Choy

My Computer Wont Let Me Download Anything Windows 8 1

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Hi can someone please help me I don't know what to do next as I've searched Google without any joy. If I try and download anything and do a Save Image As it brings up the Save As box in which folder I want to save my download in I then SAVE it. It downloads and in the tool bar the download then says Failed - System busy what do I do? When I check out my download folder the message reads Your computer is doing too many things right now. Try again later.

My Computer Wont Let Me Download Anything Windows 8

I've tried later it still doesn't work and I've tried downloads from different sources and none of them work. I need to download items for my work it's very frustrating and know one seems to be able to help me!!! It was working ok until we had a power black out on Sunday evening and my computer reset everything to factor default can someone please help me as I don't know what to do next .Please help.

My Computer Wont Let Me Download Anything Windows 8 Free