Storm King's Thunder Full Pdf Download

DDIA05 Storm King's Thunder: A Great Upheaveal (5e) - An Introductory Adventure for Storm King's Thunder. Full‑size Preview. This pdf won't open in adobe.

Posted byDM1 year ago

Massive DM's Toolkit [5e] [Resources]

Thought I'd share all of my bookmarks I've saved for DMing, that I've been collecting for a year now. This all exists on a Google Document, but I figured I should spend some time formatting it for Reddit. Good luck with your campaigns!

System Reference

Spell List


Written Advice and Guides


Dungeon Mastering Video Guides

Making Dungeons

  • [Simple but Effective Dungeon Building Guide] (

  • [The Rusty Battleaxe - Dungeon Design] (

Comprehensive Collections of Information

  • [Google Drive Dungeon and Game Master Tools] (

Campaign Management Tools

  • [Kanka Campaign Manager] (

  • [Online 3rd-party webapp for D&D, under development] (

  • [5E Database, Homebrew Tools & Campaign Management] (

  • [Trello] (

  • [EverNote] (

Shops and Equipment

Alternative DM Screens

  • [Online DM Screen] (

  • [Alt DM Screen Version 1] (

  • [Alt DM Screen Version 2] (

Unearthed Arcana List


  • [Trapmaking 101] (

  • [Trap Collection] (

  • [] (


Compilations of Multiple Generators

  • [] (

  • [AutoRoll Tables - Github] (

  • [BehindTheTables Giant Generator collection] (

  • [Red Kat Art DnD5Tools] (

  • [RP Tools] (

  • [Chaotic Shiny] (

  • [Abulafia Generators] (

  • [d12dev] (


  • [Weak Magic Item generator] ( provides flavor for items weaker than +1 but so much more interesting

  • [Sane Magic Item Prices] (

  • [Effects for Magic Weapons] (

  • [Inspiration for Magic Item Sets] (

  • [Some Homebrew Magic Items] (


  • [One Loot Table to Rule Them All] (


  • [Quick Dungeon Map Generator] (

  • [Megadungeon generator] (

  • [PolyDungeon] (

Towns and Villages (see also: MAPS AND MAP-MAKING TOOLS)

  • [Town generator] (

  • [Demographics] (

  • [Town Notice Board] ( (d100)


  • [Point-Buy calculator] (

  • [Dice Roller] (

  • [Encounter Calculator] (


  • [Detailed NPC StatBlock Generator] (

  • [NPC Generator (more RP focus)] (

  • [Name Generator] (

  • [NPC background generator] ( (characters).htm)

  • [Random NPC generator, not for 5th ed] (


  • [Drugs for D&D] (

  • [Poison Generator] (


  • [Riddle Collection 1] (

  • [Riddle Collection 2] (

Other Tools

  • [Initiative Tracker] (

  • [Critical Hits and Critical Fumbles] (


[The Great List of 5e Adventures] (

Free Full Pdf Converter

Tomb of Annihilation

  • [Tomb of Annihilation DMs Discord Server] (

  • [Tomb of Annihilation DMs Facebook Group] (

Lost Mines of Phandelver

  • [Lost Mines of Phandelver tips] (

  • [Using LMoP as a Sandbox setting] (

  • [Quest Cards] (

Curse of Strahd

  • [Merric's Musings] (

  • [Full Campaign Guide and Resources] (

  • [Notes from a DM who's run CoS twice] (

Tyranny of Dragons

  • [Merric's Musings] (

  • [So, you're running Tyranny of Dragons?] (

  • [Full Campaign Guide and Resources] (

  • [Tyranny of Dragons Review and Rebuttal] (

Princes of the Apocalypse

  • [Campaign Resource] (

Mulmaster & Arcane Magic

Storm King's Thunder Free Pdf

  • [The State of Mulmaster] (

  • [The Arcane Edict in Mulmaster] (

Storm King's Thunder

  • [Full Campaign Guide and Resources] (


  • [Some Roll20 Sessions to watch] (

  • [[Zip File] Default 5e character sheets] (

  • [Class-Specific 5e character sheets] ( (IMO the best character sheets for 5e I’ve come across)

  • [[DiceCloud] Simple Character Manager webapp] (

  • [Google Sheets] Automated character sheet - Right-click, Make a copy, it’ll go to 'My Drive', where you can then edit it

  • [ForgedAnvil D&D 5e Character Generator] (

  • [Pre-built Character Sheets] (

  • [Pre-Generated Characters] (

Storm King
  • [/r/DnD Spotify Playlists for atmosphere and mood-setting] (

  • [More Spotify playlists] (

  • [Free RPG Music] (

  • [Environments Music/Audio - Ambience] (

  • [] ( search for any sound

  • [[TabletopAudio] Customizable Tabletop Soundboard (advanced)] (,0.10,1,&5,0.20,1,&1,0.35,1,&38,0.40,1,&40,0.40,0,&41,0.40,0,&42,0.20,1,&44,0.40,1,&103,0.50,1,&104,0.20,1,&109,0.40,1,&114,0.20,1,&110,0.10,1,&169,0.20,1,&168,0.50,1,&200,0.40,1,&194,0.40,1,&195,0.30,1,&257,0.40,1)

    • Try clicking on 'Universal Ambience' on the top right. You can make your own soundboards too!

  • [[] Another Soundboard] (

  • [Music, Images on DropBox Matt Mercer’s playlists during Critical Role] (


Map Collections

  • [Dyson’s Dodecahedron free map archive] (

  • [David Rumsey Map Collection] (

  • [Coastal Battlemaps] (

  • [/r/BattleMaps] (

  • [[Cartography Guild] Tactical Maps] (

  • [[Google Image Search] Large Area Maps] (

Random Generators

  • [Medieval fantasy city generator] (

  • [Random City Map Generator] (

  • [Another City Map Generator] (

  • [Inn Floorplan Generator] (

  • [Planet Generator] (

  • [Random Terrain generator (advanced coastal algorithm)] (

  • (AKA Hexographer II)

    • There are free versions (both online and download) and pay versions with more icon sets and whatnot.

  • [[Stanford CS project] Polygon World Map generator] (

Map-Making Tools

  • [Inkarnate] ( - Comprehensive in-browser map-making software

  • [Hobbyte] ( - Isometric map-making software

  • [Dungeon Painter Studio] ( on Steam ($14.99 USD)

  • [Pro Fantasy Software] ( (expensive)

  • [] ( - Hex Mapping

  • [Illwinter's Floorplan Generator] ( - Terrain generator on Steam ($5 USD)

Map Assets

  • [Giant Collection of Map Assets] ( (for Roll20 and similar)

  • [10x10 modular map tiles] (


Storm King's Thunder Full Pdf Download Free

  • [How to Draw a Map Using Photoshop/Gimp] (

  • [Map Maker Forum] (

  • [Hexcrawl campaign guide] (

  • [Goblinist Encounter Builder] (

  • [City/Town Encounters 1] (

  • [City/Town Encounters 2] (

  • [City/Town Odd Encounters] (

  • [Some random road encounters] (

  • [How to Build F$&%ing Awesome Encounters!] (

  • [The Homebrewery - Make your own Homebrew!] (

  • The Bloodborne Armory - Bloodborne Weapons for 5e D&D

  • [Monster Module] (

  • [Gunslinger Homebrew option 1] ( with an Expansion

  • [Male Character Artwork] ( Album

  • [Female Character Artwork] ( Album

  • [More Female Character Art] (

  • [Character Art Collection] (

  • [People Part 1] (

  • Character Tokens , and [More Character Tokens] (!44JyDYCb!ABcBU4cHGkQMEaMOznQcvw!lwoSABja) and [more of the same] (

  • /r/characterdrawing/

  • /r/ImaginaryCharacters/

  • /r/worldbuilding/ - SEE SIDEBAR for more links

  • /r/DnDBehindTheScreen/ - DMs helping DMs

  • /r/BehindTheTables/ - Chance Tables for many situations

  • /r/LongDistanceVillains/ - Let someone else run your Big Bad Evil (person/monster/thing)!

  • /r/DMAcademy - general DM questions

  • /r/DndAdventureWriter - for building adventures to share

  • /r/DndMaps - nothing but maps

  • /r/DMToolkit - multimedia DM resources

General Tabletop/Role-Playing - Large Server (>1000 members)

  • [Matt Colville’s Discord] (

  • [Discord and Dragons] ( - PG-13, keep your language clean.

  • [Discord Tabletop] (

  • [Discord of Many Things] (

  • [/5eg/ 4chan's 5e-general Discord] ( - enter at your own risk/discretion

General Tabletop/Role-playing - Medium Server (~500 members)

  • [DM Mentors Guild] (

  • [Ludum Studios TTRPG Community] (

  • [RoosterTeeth Community D&D & Tabletop Games discord server] (

General Tabletop/Role-playing - Small Server (~100 members)

  • [D&D One-Shotters] (

  • [D&D 5e] (

  • [AD&D 1e and 2e] (


  • [/r/Worldbuilding Discord] (

  • [/wbg/ 4chan's worldbuilding-general Discord] (

Non-D&D Servers

  • [Org Play Online] ( StarFinder/Pathfinder Society Online

  • [Dungeon World] ( Simplified RPG system

AvraeBot - A great D&D bot to invite to your discord server

  • [One Page Dungeon 2017 Entries] (

  • [One Page Dungeon 2016 Entries] (

  • [One Page Dungeon 2015 Entries] (

  • [One Page Dungeon 2014 Entries] (

  • [One Page Dungeon 2013 Entries] (

  • [One Page Dungeon 2012 Entries] (

  • [One Page Dungeon 2011 Entries] (

  • [One Page Dungeon 2010 Entries] (

  • [One Page Dungeon 2009 Entries] (

  • [Consensus Ranger (Better balance between UA ranger and PHB ranger)] (

  • My preferred online role-playing game-hosting service:

    • Also available: [Fantasy Grounds] ( and [Tabletop Simulator] (

  • [Tumblr Out of Context D&D Quotes] (

  • [Cool Virtual D&D project] (

  • [Printable Character Minis] (

  • [Printable Heroes] (

  • [Printable paper models from Wizards] (

  • [Fantasy Botanist's Book] (

  • [Printable Hex-grid Graph Paper] (

  • [Damage descriptions based on type] (

  • [Bard Songs] (

  • [Guide to Thieves’ Cant] (

  • [All-women D&D] (

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