During the first couple of years I walked with the Lord, my prayers went something like this:
'God, help me to get that job.'
'Jesus, please heal my throat.'
'Lord, send enough money to pay these bills.'
'Father, take away my fear.'
The Power of a. PRAYING WIFE. Prayer & Study Guide. How to Proceed. Are there places in your marriage where you and your hus - band are not working together as a team? List those areas. Ask your husband for forgiveness and to communicate your love for him and a desire to change. I know this is hard, but someone.
It took me a while to realize that those spur-of-the-moment prayers were not accomplishing much. I guess I thought the idea was to do the best I could on my own, and then if I needed a lifeline from God, I grabbed for it. The only problem was I needed a lifeline every other minute.
I loved the Scripture that says, 'Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you' (Matt. 7:7). I took God at his Word and was asking, seeking, and knocking on a pray-as-you-go basis. I also took to heart the Scripture that says, 'You do not have because you do not ask' (James 4:2). Great! I can easily remedy that, I thought, and I proceeded to ask for everything. But I was still not happy, and I didn't see the kind of answered prayer I desired.
One day as I was again reading that same verse, my eyes were opened to the next verse, 'You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures' (James 4:3). Could it be that the 'God give me this, do that, wave your magic wand here, get me out of this mess' kind of praying was not what God desired for my prayer life? In utter frustration I said, 'Lord, teach me how I'm supposed to pray.'
He did exactly that!
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I came to understand that prayer is not just asking for things—although that certainly is part of it. Far more importantly, prayer is talking with God. It's getting close to and spending time with the one you love. It's seeking him first, touching him, getting to know him better, being with him, and waiting in his presence. It's acknowledging him as the source of power upon whom you can depend. It's taking the time to say, Speak to my heart, Lord, and tell me what I need to hear. It is partnering with him. It is aligning our spirit with his to see that his perfect will is done. It is establishing ourselves and our lives as being connected to God.
We can't receive God's best for our lives, and we can't push back the things that were never God's will for us, except through prayer. We can't leave our life to chance. We have to pray about everything all the time, not just when things go wrong. We have to pray over anything that concerns us, no matter how big—'With God nothing will be impossible' (Luke 1:37)—or how small—'The very hairs of your head are all numbered' (Matt. 10:30).
Without reducing prayer to a formula in the book 7 Prayers That Will Change Your Life Forever, I have outlined seven basic types of prayers that can bring lasting peace and positive change to your life: confession, salvation, release, submission, praise, promise, and blessing. But please don't be inhibited by these categories. They are just that: categories and suggestions.
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And don't be concerned about prayer talk or church talk. The Bible tells us the basic qualification for prayer: 'He who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him' (Heb. 11:6).
The more you pray, the more you will find to pray about, and the more you'll be led to pray for others. Don't allow discouragement over unanswered prayer to cause you to doubt that God has heard you. If you have received Jesus and are praying in his name, God hears you, and something is happening whether you see it manifested in your life now or not. In fact, every time you pray, you're advancing God's purposes for you. Without prayer, the full purpose God has for you can't happen.
Excerpted from 7 Prayers That Will Change Your Life Forever, by Stormie Omartian (J Countryman), used with permission.
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CONTENTS Before You Begin Foundational Introductory Week Week 1: If Communication Breaks Down Week 2: If Anger, Rudeness, or Abuse Poisons Your Relationship Week 3: If Forgiveness Doesn't Come Easy Week 4: If Depression or Negative Emotions Spoil the Atmosphere Week 5: If Children Start to Dominate Your Lives Week 6: If Finances Get out of Control Week 7: If Addictions or Other Destructive Behaviors Manifest Week 8: If Outside Influences Pollute Your Sexual Relationship Week 9: If Hardness of Heart Causes Love to Die Week 10: If You Are No Longer Each Other's Top Priority Week 11: If the 'D' Word Becomes an Option Week 12: If Infidelity Shakes Your Foundation Week 13: If One of You Decides to Leave Home Week 14: If Hope Seems Lost and You Need a Miracle
Before You Begin
There is an epidemic of marriages in crisis today. Yet more and more people are wanting to do whatever it takes to see that their marriages are protected, revived, healed, and made stronger. Counselors and pastors do not have the time to counsel every married person or couple who needs help. Nor does every married person have the time and money to seek counseling. But every husband or wife can learn how to pray and see their marriage saved. By reading The Power of Prayer to Change Your Marriage and doing what is suggested in this Prayer and Study Guide, any husband or wife individually—or together as a couple —can achieve greater understanding of the power of their own prayers and the knowledge of how to form them so that they have practical application in their own lives. In other words, they can learn to pray in power and see things happen.
How To Do It This Prayer and Study Guide is divided into 15 weeks. It begins with a Foundational Introductory Week that prepares you for the following 14 weeks. You can complete this study guide by yourself, with your spouse, in a group of wives together if you are a wife, in a group of husbands together if you are a husband, or with a gathering of married couples. Any one of these ways can produce powerful results in the way of healing, renewing, strengthening, and restoring your marriage.
Try to complete the entire book and study guide. Just because you have never had a problem in your marriage with some of the areas of prayer focus here doesn't mean you should skip that particular chapter. It is important to complete the work in each chapter so that your marriage is completely protected on all sides.
What You Will Need You will need the book The Power of Prayer to Change Your Marriage and a Bible you are not hesitant to write in that is written in a translation you find easy to understand. I have used the New King James Version in both the book and the study guide, except where otherwise indicated. There are, however, other great translations and you may favor one over another. If you are not comfortable with the translation you have, find a new one you can easily understand. If you choose not to write your answers in The Prayer and Study Guide, you will also need to have a notebook in which to do so.
Writing Out Your Answers Something deep happens in your heart when you write out your answers to the questions, as well as the prayers that are suggested. For one thing, you have to be focused on completing your thoughts once you have begun writing them out on paper, as opposed to just thinking them in your head. It also makes an imprint in your heart, just as a pen does on the paper. Because your answers must be honest and personal, no one else should be reading them except you, unless you are sharing them with your spouse. Ideally, if you and your spouse are doing this together, you should each have your own book. But that is not absolutely necessary. One of you can write in the book and the
other in a notebook, or you can both write your answers in separate notebooks and compare them later. What you write in each entry will help you better understand yourself, your spouse, and the Lord's ways. It will help you maintain a right heart before God and teach you to pray effectively. Try to write something for each question or direction because they build on one another to help you see the full picture. If you are doing this with a prayer partner or in a group, you should already have answered the questions for that week before you come together so you can discuss your insights and the things God has shown you about your situation and how to pray as a result. Sharing what God has revealed to you or what the study has opened up in your relationship will be an encouragement, enlightenment, or inspiration to others.
Incorporating Scripture Into Your Prayers When you are asked to write out Scripture as a prayer, this is to help you pray God's will for yourself and your spouse. The way you do that is to read the Scripture and think of how you can pray for it to become a reality in your lives together. For example, John 15:10 says, 'If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father's commandments and abide in His love.' This verse could be incorporated into a prayer for you and your spouse that says something like, 'Lord, I pray that You will help my husband (wife) and me to be able to keep all Your commandments so we will always live in Your love.' Prayers that incorporate the Word of God increase your faith. You will feel yourself being strengthened in your soul even as you pray them. Doing these exercises will help you become comfortable praying that way whenever you come across a particular section of Scripture that speaks to your heart.
With no further explanation necessary, shall we get started?
Foundational Introductory Week
Read pages 5-28 in The Power Of Prayer To Change Your Marriage, from here on known as 'the book.'
This introductory week is the foundation for all the rest of the weeks. If you don't fully understand the basis for your authority in prayer and how to pray in power, this lack of understanding and knowledge will weaken the power of your prayers. That's why it is extremely important that you go through this Foundational Introductory Week first, before you do any of the other weeks. After that, if you are doing this study on your own, you may want to skip to the topic and week that is most pressing to you, and that is fine to do. However, if you are in a group, stay with your group in the study. Going over the material together will have greater impact for you.
1. Read Romans 3:23 in your Bible and underline it. •
In light of this verse, do you need to change?
Does your spouse need to change?
Can every person change? (See page 12 in the book, last paragraph.)
What are some of the reasons people don't want to change? (See page 13, top of page.)
Do any of the reasons people don't change apply to you? Explain.
Are you willing to let God change you? If not, why? If so, how?
Do you believe your spouse is willing to let God change him (her)? Explain your answer.
Do any of the reasons people don't change apply to your spouse? Explain.
Can you make your spouse change? (See page 13, point 4.)
Who is the only one who can make changes in your spouse that last? (See page 13, bottom of page.)
2. Read Luke 10:19 in your Bible and underline it. The New King James Version says, 'Behold, I give you the authority to tend, on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.'
In light of this verse, God gave people authority over “all power' of what?
Do you believe God gives you authority over the enemy who wants to destroy your marriage and your life? Explain your answer and why you believe it.
3. Read Romans 8:37 in your Bible and underline it.
Do you think God will enable you to have victory over the problems that arise in your marriage?
Do you believe that God can give you victory over the enemy?
What does it mean to be more than a conqueror, with regard to your marriage? (See page 21, first paragraph in the book.)
4. Read Romans 8:26-28 in your Bible and underline these verses.
According to these verses, does everything work out for good automatically, or do we need to be doing something in particular? What is it we need to be doing?
If you want everything to work out for good in your marriage, and you don't know how to pray, who can you depend on to help you? (Verse 26.)
5. Why do your prayers for your marriage have power even if yon are the only one praying? (See page 23, second paragraph in the book.)
6. Read 1 Corinthians 2:9 in your Bible and underline it.
Understanding that God has more for you than you can imagine write out a prayer for what you would like to see happen in your marriage that is even beyond what you have prayed for before.
7. What kind of heart do you need to have to save, improve, and enrich your marriage? (See page 27.)
8. Read Romans 2:1-7 in your Bible and underline verses 4-5.
These verses are saying that we can't pass judgment on someone else—such as our spouse, for example—because we condemn ourselves when we do since we are not perfect, either. In other words, you invite judgment on yourself when you sit in judgment on your spouse. But the kindness and goodness of God will lead you to have a repentant heart. In the New International Version, verses 4 and 5 say, 'Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God's kindness leads you toward repentance? But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God's wrath, when his righteous judgment will be revealed'. Verses 3 and 4 in The Message say, 'You didn't think, did you, that just by pointing your finger at others you would distract God from seeing all your misdoings and from coming down on you hard? Or did you think that because he's such a nice God, he'd let you off the hook? Better think this one through from the beginning. God is kind, but he's not soft. In kindness he takes us firmly by the hand and leads us into a radical life-change'. 'Repentance' means 'to have a change of mind.' It means 'to turn to the Lord.' It is a turning point. Repentance is used in the Bible to describe the way to reconciliation with God. And it is the way to find reconciliation between you and your spouse as well.
You may be thinking, Why should I repent when my spouse is the one who needs to repent? Although you may have a very good reason to feel that way, in God's eyes we all fall short. We all miss the mark He has for our lives. Other words for repentance are 'remorseful' and 'apologetic.' The opposite of repentance is 'complacency,' 'self-satisfaction.' Repentance is preceded by humility. It is also preceded by sorrow. In fact, another word for repentance is 'sorrow.' Having a repentant heart makes you sorry for any way in which you have fallen short of God's glory. It makes you humble and not selfsatisfied. While it is upsetting, repentance leads to a turnaround in your heart and soul. It draws you closer to God and allows Him to make you more like Christ. Paul said, 'Now I'm glad—not that you were upset, but that you were jarred into turning things around. You let the distress bring you to God, not drive you from him. The result was all gain, no loss. Distress that drives us to God does that. It turns us around. It gets us back in the way of salvation. We never regret that kind of pain. But those who let distress drive them away from God are full of regrets, end up on a deathbed of regrets' (2 Corinthians 7:9-10 MSG).
In light of all this, what does it mean to you to have a repentant heart? Do you feel you have one?
Write out a prayer asking God to give you the kind of heart He wants you to have. Tell Him humbly that you are aware that you fall short of the way He wants you to think, speak, and act. Ask Him to give you true
understanding of what it means to have a repentant heart. Ask Him to show you where you have not done things perfectly so you can ask for forgiveness and learn to live God's way.
9. Write out the commitment of someone with a repentant heart on the bottom of page 27 in the book that begins, 'I am willing to see my errors, and...'
10. Read Revelation 2:5 in your Bible and underline it.
In The Message this verse says, 'Turn back! Recover your dear early love.' The one thing God had against the church of Ephesians was that, even though they were doing good and right things, they had lost their first love for the Lord and they needed to repent. The relationship between Jesus and us is referred to as that of a bride and a groom. We must relate this to our marriage as well. If we have lost the love we first had, we must soften our hearts in repentance—which means recognizing how we personally have fallen short—in order to gain that love back. It doesn't matter who did what to whom; God sees the truth and will right that. Softening your heart doesn't mean you are letting an abusive or erring spouse off the hook. It means you are getting him (her) off of your hook and onto God's. Let God correct what needs to be corrected. You be responsible for your own heart first —even before you pray for that of your spouse.
With all that in mind, write out a prayer asking God to show you where you have not done all that He wanted you to do, when your attitude has not been right, or when your thoughts and the words you've spoken could have been better. Ask Him to give you a repentant heart that is open to the correction of the Lord at any time.
Whatever God reveals to you as a result of your prayer above, write it below. (Answer this when you feel God has shown you something specific about yourself.) Write your answer out as a prayer of confession before God. (For example, 'Lord, I see now that I have been short with my husband (wife) and that has caused friction between us. Help me not to do that anymore...')
11. Read Isaiah 30:15 in your Bible and underline it. This same verse in The Message says, 'Your salvation requires you to turn back to me and stop your silly efforts to save yourselves. Your strength will come from settling down in complete dependence on me—the very thing you've been unwilling to do.' The Israelites were unwilling to do things God's way. They tried to save themselves instead of depending on God. In light of this Scripture, what should you do with regard to saving, improving,
and enriching your marriage? •
How shall you gain strength?
How shall you find saving grace for your marriage?
12. Read James 4:7-10 in your Bible and underline these verses.
This first week has to do with working on yourself before you even pray for your spouse. In light of these verses in James and in regard to your marriage, write out a prayer about what it is you need to do. (For example, 'Lord, help me to be completely submitted to You...')
Write out a prayer asking God to help you become the person He created you to be so your marriage can become all it was intended to be. Ask Him to help you have a right heart before Him, a heart that is repentant, merciful, and full of His love.
13. Read Isaiah 57:15 in your Bible and underline it. •
With whom does God dwell? What does His presence in the lives of those who are humble and repentant accomplish?
14. Read Zechariah 4:6 in your Bible and underline it.
How will the battle for your marriage be won?
Week One
Read Chapter 1: 'If Communication Breaks Down' in The Power Of Prayer To Change Your Marriage
1. Read Hebrews 10:35-36 in your Bible and underline these verses.
These verses speak of not losing heart when you go through trials, but instead to have confidence. This doesn't mean confidence in ourselves and our own abilities, but rather confidence in God and His power to sustain us. We need to make the decision to endure during the tough times and stay determined to always do the will of God. When we do that, we will receive what He has promised to us.
Write out a prayer asking God for those qualities shown here in italics so that you can stand strong and see God do miracles in you, your spouse, and your relationship.
2. Good communication is the foundation of a great and successful marriage. How would you rate the communication in your marriage? Circle the appropriate number.
Poor Okay Great You and your spouse have good intimacy
You feel like you are on the same team
You can share your feelings openly
You can share your dreams and goals
You often know what each other thinks
You feel emotionally connected
You believe your relationship is improving
You are growing together and not apart
You show love and respect to each other
You spend enough quality time together
Add up the numbers you circled: 10-15 is poor. 16-25 is okay. 26-30 is great.
If your relationship could be improved in any of the areas mentioned above, which ones would you most like to see improved?
Write out a prayer asking God to make all of the signs of good communication listed above to be in the 'great' category in your marriage. Specifically mention the ones you think need to be improved.
3. Fill in the blanks. Communication is more about serving _____ _____than it is_____ _____. It's more about doing _____ _____than it is deciding_____ _____. (See page 32, second paragraph, in the book.)
4. What are three things you appreciate most about your spouse's communication skills?
What are three things you wish could be improved about your spouse's communication skills?
In light of your answers, write out the ways you could pray about your spouse's communication skills.
5. What do you think are the three best things about your own communication skills?
How would you like to improve yourself in the way you communicate with your spouse?
6. What do you think your spouse appreciates most about your communication skills?
What do you believe your spouse would most like to see improved about your communications skills? If you don't know, ask your husband (wife) for the answer to that question.
In light of your answers to questions 5 and 6, write out a prayer about your own ability to communicate well.
7. Read Ephesians 5:28-33 in your Bible and underline verses 28 and 33.
Describe how you show love and respect for your spouse. In what ways could you improve on that?
Describe how your spouse shows love and respect for you. How would you like to see him (her) improve in that regard?
8. Read the following Scriptures in your Bible and underline them. Write in your own words what each section of Scripture speaks to you about how you should communicate with your spouse.
'Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit' (Proverbs 18:21).
'Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil' (1 Corinthians 13:45).
'In the multitude of words sin is not lacking, but he who restrains his lips is wise' (Proverbs 10:19).
'The heart of the righteous studies how to answer, but the mouth of the wicked pours forth evil' (Proverbs 15:28).
'By your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned' (Matthew 12:37).
Write down five things you appreciate most about your husband (wife). Share those five things with him (her) over the next week. Write what his (her) reaction was to
what you shared.
Write down five positive attributes of yours that you think your husband (wife) appreciates about you.
Write down three things you wish your husband (wife) appreciated more about you.
Write out a prayer asking God to help you and your spouse show greater appreciation for each other and be able to more openly communicate it.
10. Read Zechariah 5:4 in your Bible and underline it.
What happens to the household of one who lies? Write out a prayer asking God to help you be totally truthful and honest with your spouse at all times so that you won't bring destruction on your household and marriage in any way.
Write out a prayer for your spouse to be totally truthful and honest with you for the same reason.
11. Read Proverbs 3:3 in your Bible and underline it.
The New King James Version says, 'Let not mercy and truth forsake you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.'
Write out a prayer asking God to make mercy and truth be so much a part of you that you will never even consider doing anything less than that which is merciful and truthful, especially toward your spouse.
12. Why is it important to be both truthful and honest with your spouse? What is the difference between the two? (See page 37, first two paragraphs.)
13. Total honesty requires__________ (See page 37, second paragraph.)
14. In what ways could you be more open and honest with your spouse? Write your answer in the form of a prayer asking God to help you do that.
15. In what ways do you wish your spouse was more up front with you?
Write out a prayer asking God to help your husband (wife) to always be totally honest with you.
16. Are there times when you don't feel that you and your spouse are as close as you would like? If so, write out a prayer asking God to help you both get closer to Him and to each other. If you feel you and your spouse are as close as you need to be, write out praise to God for the closeness you share and ask Him to help you always preserve that.
17. Do you frequently take a good long look at your spouse and try to observe what is really going on inside him (her)? Write out a prayer asking God to help you see anything you have not been seeing in your spouse so that you can better communicate with him (her).
18. Do you and your spouse have things to do together that you look forward to and enjoy? If so, what are they and what steps can you take to make sure you don't neglect to do them? If you don't have anything you like to do together, write out a prayer asking God to show you what you could do to spend quality time together. (Remember, it can be the simplest of
things.) Ask the Lord to help you make it happen.
Ask your spouse if there is anything he (she) wishes you would do together that you are not doing now. Write down what he (she) tells you and how you feel about that.
Is there something you wish your spouse would do with you? If so, what?
Write out a prayer asking God to inspire you and your spouse to do something together that is enjoyable for you both.
19. Read 1 Peter 3:7 in your Bible and underline it.
Do you feel your husband (wife) honors you? If so, in what ways? If not, in what ways do you feel dishonored?
Do you feel that you honor your spouse? If so, in what ways? If not, write out a prayer asking God to show you the ways you could honor your spouse that you haven't demonstrated as much as you should have.
Can you think of times when your spouse's prayers were possibly not answered because of the dishonoring way he
(she) treated you? Explain your answer.
Can you think of times when your own prayers were possibly not answered because of the dishonoring way you treated your spouse? Explain your answer.
Ask your husband (wife), 'Do you feel that I have dishonored you in any way?' Be open to hear the answer. Write his (her) response to your question. Ask his (her) forgiveness, if necessary.
20. Read Ephesians 5:22-23 in your Bible and underline these verses.
If you are a wife, do you find it easy to submit to your husband's decisions? Do you feel your husband is submitted to God? Explain your answers below. If you are a husband, do you feel your wife finds it easy to submit to your decisions? Do you find it easy to submit to God? Explain your answers.
21. Read Matthew 12:34 in your Bible and underline it.
If you were to think back and listen to your own words
this past week, what do you think your spouse would believe has filled your heart?
Write out a prayer asking God to fill your heart with His love so that it overflows in the words you speak.
22. Read Proverbs 18:13 in your Bible and underline it.
Do you feel that your spouse listens to you as well as you would like? Does he (she) frequently interrupt you when you are speaking instead of letting you finish what you are saying? Write out a prayer asking God to give your spouse the ability to be a better listener to you.
Does your spouse feel that you listen to him (her) as much as he (she) would like? If you are not sure, ask your spouse to tell you. Then write out a prayer asking God to help you be a better listener.
23. Can you think of times when communication between you and your spouse has been disrupted or distorted?_______ Are you ever baffled as to why a lack of communication or mis-communication has suddenly happened between you and your spouse?_______ If you answered yes to either question, write out a prayer asking God to keep you and your spouse aware of the enemy's plan to stir up strife and
misunderstanding between you. If you answered no to both questions, write out a prayer asking God to help you to always be aware of any time the enemy attempts to destroy communication between you and your spouse so you can stop immediately and pray for an end to mis-communication.
24. Read all of the Scriptures out loud on page 49 in The Power of Prayer to Change Your Marriage. Choose one of the Scriptures and write it out on a piece of paper. Keep that paper with you all week and read it over and over until it becomes engraved upon your heart.
25. Pray the prayers out loud on pages 46-48 in the book. Include all the specific needs, desires, or hopes of your heart for good communication between you and your spouse. If possible, pray together about this important foundational issue.
Week Two
Read Chapter 2: 'If Anger, Rudeness, or Abuse Poisons Your Relationship' in The Power Of Prayer To Change Your Marriage
1. Read Proverbs 11:29 in your Bible and underline it. In the New King James Version it says, 'He who troubles his own house will inherit the wind, and the fool will be servant to the wise of heart.'
Can you think of any way you have troubled your house by the things you have said or done or an attitude you have had? If your answer is yes, write out a prayer of confession to God and ask Him to forgive you and help you apologize to your spouse, children, or family members so that you will not lose anything of the inheritance He has for you. If you answered no to that question, ask God to always show you anything you do or say that would ever trouble or unintentionally hurt any one of your family members.
Do you feel your spouse has troubled your house by being angry rude, or abusive in any way? If your answer is yes, write out a prayer asking God to convict his (her) heart about that and set him (her) free from all unacceptable behavior. If your answer is no, write out a prayer to God thanking Him for your spouse's love, kindness, even temper, and good attitude. Ask God to always keep your spouse far from anger, rudeness, or abuse of any kind.
2. Read Ephesians 4:26-27 in your Bible and underline these verses.
Do you ever get angry? How do you respond to anger that rises up in you? Do you take it to God? Do you talk it out with a friend, a counselor, or your spouse? Do you do something constructive with it to make the situation better? Do you ever allow your anger to be fueled by a vengeful spirit? Do the words 'pay back' or 'get even' ever come to mind? Do you ever keep the anger in and let it stew inside you, making you sick, upset, or exhausted? Explain.
Does your spouse ever have anger that results in hurtful actions or words aimed toward you? How have the two of you resolved anger in the past? How would you like to see any kind of anger resolved now?
3. Read John 15:10-12 in your Bible and underline these verses.
What is the commandment of the Lord?
What do you need to do in order to live in God's love?
What is one of the benefits of abiding in God's love?
What should be the guiding force behind you that will influence how you and your spouse relate to one another?
Do you feel there has been enough love expressed between you and your spouse so that anger, rudeness, or abuse is never a problem, or could that be improved? Explain your answer as a prayer to God. (For example, 'Lord, I ask that my husband (wife) and I would be able to express greater love toward one another so that there would never be anger between us.' Or, 'Lord, help us to always obey You so we can abide in Your love and learn to better love one another...')
4. Read Ephesians 5:25 and Titus 2:4 in your Bible and underline these verses.
How are you and your spouse supposed to relate to one another?
Do you feel that you do that? Explain why or why not.
Do you feel your spouse loves you the way Jesus does? Explain your answer.
How would you like to see your relationship improved in this regard?
What kind of love does God want you and your spouse to have for each other?
5. How can you love your spouse the way God wants you to every day? What needs to happen in order to do that? (See page 53, last paragraph.)
How do you become filled with God's love? What happens when you are filled with God's love? (See page 54, first paragraph.)
6. Feelings of love in a marriage can rise and fall. How can you keep it steady and unfailing? (See page 54, second paragraph.)
Write out a prayer to God asking Him to pour out His love into your heart and into the heart of your spouse. Tell Him why you want that.
7. Read 1 Peter 4:8 in your Bible and underline it.
What does your husband (wife) needs from you above all else?
In light of this verse, what does having deep love for one another do for your marriage?
8. Loving your husband or wife is the most important thing you can do next to loving God, because you have to______ (See page 54, third paragraph.)
What will having the love of God in your heart and in the heart of your spouse accomplish in your marriage?
If you want to stay in love with your spouse, stay______ _______with______ ________first. (See page 54, fourth paragraph.)
Write out a prayer asking God to help you and your spouse to be so in love with the Lord that you never fall out of love with each other. If you feel you or your spouse have already fallen out of love with one another, ask God to ignite His love within you both and restore your love for one another in greater dimensions than you have ever had before. Ask Him to give you unwavering faith that He can and will do that.
9. Read Romans 8:13-14 in your Bible and underline these verses.
What happens when you live according to your flesh?
What does it mean in a marriage when one person is frequently giving place to living in the flesh?
Is frequently giving place to anger an act of the flesh or the Spirit?
Do you have to be a slave to your flesh by giving place to anger or can you get free of it? (See page 57, top of page.)
What does acting in the flesh do to your marriage?
If you live according to the Spirit—or are led by the Spirit—you are a child of God. As a child of God, you will inherit what? (See page 57, top of page.)
10. Look up the following Scriptures in your Bible and underline them. Write out in your own words what you believe each one is instructing you to do.
'An angry man stirs up strife, and a furious man abounds in transgression' (Proverbs 29:22).
'He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city' (Proverbs 16:32).
'The discretion of a man makes him slow to anger, and his glory is to overlook a transgression' (Proverbs 19:11).
11. Do either you or your spouse have a problem controlling anger?
On the scale of 1 to 10 listed below, with 1 being not a problem and 10 being unbearable and you can't live with it, indicate where you think the problem is for you.
Where is the problem for your spouse?
Indicate what your spouse thinks is the level at which anger is a problem in your marriage.
In him (her) _______ . In you_______.
1. No problem at all. 2. It only happens on rare occasions. 3. It happens more often that I would like. 4. It occurs frequently, but we get over it quickly. 5. It's surfacing more and more and starting to bother me. 6. It's a problem but we are dealing with it. 7. It's highly irritating and we are trying to cope with it. 8. It's a serious problem. 9. It's the worst problem we have as a couple. 10. It's a destructive issue and I can't live with it anymore.
12. Anyone who has anger can make an intelligent decision to _______. (See the bottom of page 57.)
You should stop directing anger at your spouse and direct it at ______. (See the bottom of page 58.)
Don't let anger control you,____ it instead. (See page 58.)
13. Write out a prayer asking God to help you make a decision to never be ruled by anger. Ask Him to enable you to always be led by the Spirit and not the flesh so that you can show love and mercy instead of anger toward your spouse.
Write this same kind of prayer out for your spouse as well.
14. Read the following Scriptures in your Bible and underline them. What does each Scripture say about being foolish?
'A fool vents all his feelings, but a wise man holds them back' (Proverbs 29:11).
'A fool's mouth is his destruction, and his lips are the snare of his
soul' (Proverbs 18:7).
'It is honorable for a man to stop striving, since any fool can start a quarrel' (Proverbs 20:3).
15. Read Proverbs 11:17 in your Bible and underline it. The New King James Version says, 'The merciful man does good for his own soul, but he who is cruel troubles his own flesh.'
What happens when we don't have mercy?
What harm does our own cruelty do to us?
16. Read Psalm 4:4 in your Bible and underline it.
Write out a prayer you can pray for yourself or your spouse, if ever you get angry or short tempered. Ask God for His peace, mercy, and love to penetrate your souls.
17. Read Proverbs 21:14 in your Bible and underline it. The New King James version says, 'A gift in secret pacifies anger.'
In light of this Scripture, how could the gift of prayer for your spouse affect your marriage with regard to any anger, rudeness, or abuse?
18. Read all of the Scriptures out loud on page 67 in The Power of Prayer to Change Your Marriage. Choose one of the Scriptures and write it out on a piece of paper. Keep that paper with you all week so you can read it over and over until it becomes engraved upon your heart.
19. Pray the prayers out loud on pages 64-66 in the book. Include specifics with regard to any areas of anger, rudeness, or abuse that are affecting your marriage.
Week Three
Read Chapter 3: 'If Forgiveness Doesn't Come Easy' in The Power Of Prayer To Change Your Marriage
1. Read Ephesians 1:7-8 in your Bible and underline these verses.
What has God given you that you can give to your spouse?
2. Read Matthew 7:16-20 in your Bible and underline these verses.
• •
If being able to forgive is a sign of good fruit in your life, what would be the consequences of refusing to forgive?
3. Read Matthew 18:32-35 in your Bible and underline these verses.
Why did the master think his servant should forgive the debt of his fellow servant?
What did the master do as a result of his servant not forgiving his fellow servant?
How does this story relate to you and your spouse forgiving one another?
Do you have any unforgiveness in your heart toward your husband (wife)? If so, write out a prayer below asking God to help you forgive him (her) and name the specific things you need to forgive. If you don't believe you have any unforgiveness toward your spouse, write out a prayer to God asking Him to reveal anything that you have not fully forgiven that you might not be aware of.
5. Do you believe your husband or wife has any unforgiveness toward you for anything? If so, what is it? Have you asked him (her) for forgiveness? If you are not sure whether your spouse has any unforgiveness toward you, ask him (her) and
write the response here.
6. Read Ephesians 4:32 in your Bible and underline it.
In light of this Scripture, how are you supposed to be toward your spouse and why?
7. Read Matthew 6:12 in your Bible and underline it.
If you refuse to forgive your spouse, what will happen to you? (See also page 71 in the book, last paragraph.)
8. Read Isaiah 43:25 in your Bible and underline it.
What does this verse say about the way God forgives you?
What does it suggest as to the way you are to forgive your spouse?
Have you been able to so fully forgive your spouse for every offense that you no longer even think about it anymore? If your answer is no, write out a prayer asking God to help you forgive so completely that the offense doesn't even come to mind. If your answer is yes, write out a prayer asking God to help you always be completely forgiving toward your spouse, no matter what happens, so that you will never be tortured with unforgiveness.
9. Read Matthew 5:7 in your Bible and underline it. The New King James Version says, 'Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.'
If total forgiveness on your part is an act of mercy, what will happen to you if you mercifully forgive your spouse?
10. Read James 2:13 in your Bible and underline it.
What will happen to you if you are not merciful and don't forgive your spouse?
11. Read the following verses in your Bible and underline them. Next to each one listed below, write out what you are supposed to do and why.
'Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven' (Luke 6:37).
'All of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous; not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary blessing, knowing that you were called to this, that you may inherit a blessing' (1 Peter 3:8-9).
'Whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses' (Mark 11:25).
12. Read the following verses in your Bible and underline them. Write what happens when you don't forgive on the lines below.
'If you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses' (Matthew 6:15).
'If you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your
brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift. Agree with your adversary quickly, while you are on the way with him, lest your adversary deliver you to the judge, the judge hand you over to the officer, and you be thrown into prison. Assuredly, I say to you, you will by no means get out of there till you have paid the last penny' (Matthew 5:23-26).
13. Read Genesis 50:15-21 in your Bible and underline verses 19-20.
What did Joseph know that helped him to forgive his brothers for selling him into slavery?
Did Joseph have great faith that God uses even the hurtful things people do to us in order to bring about good when our attitude is right?____ Do you believe that you can have the same faith? ____
Do you have faith that God will bring good out of hurtful things your spouse may have done to you, or that you may have done to him (her), or that you may do to one another in the future, if you stay close to God and obey Him in attitude and forgiveness?
Regardless of how you answered that question, write out
a prayer to God asking Him to help you have that kind of faith.
14. Read all of the Scripture out loud on page 83 in The Power of Prayer to Change Your Marriage. Choose one of the Scriptures and write it out on a piece of paper. Keep that paper with you all week and read it over and over until it becomes engraved upon your heart.
15. Pray the prayers out loud on pages 81-82 in the book. Include any specifics about forgiveness that relate to your own marriage.
Week Four
Read Chapter 4: 'If Depression Or Negative Emotions Spoil The Atmosphere' in The Power Of Prayer To Change Your Marriage
1. Read Philippians 4:6-7 in your Bible and underline these verses.
What are you supposed to do in response to the things that happen or don't happen in your life instead of being anxious about them?
What will happen when you refuse to allow anxiety to take over your mind and emotions?
2. Do you ever feel anxious about anything? If so, write out a prayer incorporating the verses above. (For example, 'Lord, help me not to be anxious about anything, but instead...') If you answered no, write out a prayer of praise and thanksgiving for the peace you have and for the joy of the Lord that is in you.
3. Does your husband (wife) ever experience anxiety? If so, how does his (her) anxiety affect you? If not, have you ever been around anyone who was full of anxiety? How did their anxiety affect you?
Write out a prayer asking God to set your spouse free from all anxiety. If your spouse doesn't ever suffer with any kind of anxiety over anything, write out a prayer asking God to protect your husband (wife) from anxiety in the future.
4. Read Psalm 143:3-4 in your Bible and underline these verses. The New King James Version says, 'The enemy has persecuted my soul; he has crushed my life to the ground; he has made me dwell in darkness, like those who have long been dead. Therefore my spirit is overwhelmed within me; my heart within me is distressed.'
Do you ever struggle with depression or feelings that David expressed in those verses? If so, describe how such a struggle has affected you and how it has affected your spouse. If you have never struggled with depression of any kind, write out a prayer thanking God for the peace you enjoy. Regardless of your answer, write out a prayer asking God to keep you from depression no matter what happens in your life or in the world around you.
5. Has your husband (wife) suffered with depression? If so, write out a prayer to God telling Him how this has impacted you individually, as well as your lives together as a married couple. If you answered no, write out a prayer of protection for your spouse from any depression in your future.
6. Do you or your spouse struggle with any other negative emotion besides anxiety and depression? If yes, explain what it is in a prayer to God asking Him to set you free. If you answered no, and neither you or your spouse ever suffer from any other negative emotion, write out a prayer asking God to protect you from being gripped by any negative emotions in the future.
7. Look up the following Scriptures in your Bible and underline them. Write in your own words next to each Scripture listed below what each one means for you and your spouse as far as negative emotions.
'He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds' (Psalm 147:3).
'Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him for the help of
His countenance' (Psalm 42:5).
'You have delivered my soul from death, my eyes from tears, and my feet from falling' (Psalm 116:8).
'Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and Your stall, they comfort me' (Psalm 23:4).
'In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried out to my God; He heard my voice from His temple, and my cry came before Him, even to His ears' (Psalm 18:6).
'The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly' (John 10:10).
'His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life; weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning' (Psalm 30:5).
8. Read 2 Timothy 1:7 in your Bible and underline it.
What has God given you? What has God not given you?
Write out a prayer asking God to pour out His love in your heart, His power in your life, and His clarity and soundness in your mind so that all fear is gone. Pray the same for your spouse.
9. Read 1 John 4:18 in your Bible and underline it.
What is it that casts out all fear?
If you have fear, what does that mean for you?
10. Write out a prayer asking God to help you and your spouse to be so perfected by God's love flowing into your hearts and through each of you to one another, that all fear and negative emotions are gone.
11. Read all of the Scriptures out loud on page 102 in The Power of Prayer to Change Your Marriage. Choose one of the Scriptures and write it out on a piece of paper. Keep that paper with you all week and read it over and over until it becomes engraved upon your heart.
12. Pray the prayers out loud on pages 100-101 in the book and include specifics about any negative emotions you or your spouse suffer with now.
Week Five
Read Chapter 5: 'If Children Start To Dominate Your Lives' in The Power of Prayer to Change Your Marriage
Even if you do not have any children, try to answer as many questions as you can in this chapter, because it will prepare you for that possibility in the future.
1. Read Isaiah 54:13 in your Bible and underline it. The New King James Version says, 'All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children.'
Do you ever have stress with regard to being a parent? What kinds of things stress you most? What comfort does this verse give you in raising your children?
2. Read Lamentations 2:19 in your Bible and underline it. The New King James says, 'Arise, cry out in the night, at the beginning of the watches; pour out your heart like water before the face of the Lord. Lift your hands toward Him for
the life of your young children, who faint from hunger at the head of every street.'
In light of this Scripture, how are you supposed to pray for your children?
Do you believe you pray fervently enough as a parent? Write your answer out as a prayer asking God to help you pray for your children in the way He wants you to.
3. Read Ephesians 6:1-3 in your Bible and underline these verses.
What should you teach your children to do and why?
4. Read Proverbs 20:7 in your Bible and underline it.
What can you do that will bless your children?
Write out a prayer asking God to help you live His way so your children will be blessed as a result.
5. Read Ephesians 6:4 in your Bible and underline it.
How are you to raise your children?
6. Read Isaiah 65:23 in your Bible and underline it. The New King James says, 'They shall not labor in vain, nor bring forth children for trouble; for they shall be the descendants of the blessed of the Lord, and their offspring with them.'
Do you ever become discouraged about raising your children? If so, in what way? If not, why do you think you have never been discouraged?
Write out the first 12 words in Isaiah 65:23. Memorize these words as a promise from God to you so that you can recall it whenever you begin to be discouraged. Speak this promise over your child whenever you think about it. '_________________, (Isaiah 65:23).
In light of this Scripture, why do you not need to be discouraged? What does this verse speak to your heart?
7. Read Psalm 127:3 in your Bible and underline it.
How should you think about your children?
Do you always think of your children as a reward from God? If not, write out a prayer asking God to help you always think of them as His reward to you, so that you will be thankful to Him every day for them. If you already think of your children as God's gift to you, write out praise to God for them and ask Him to keep you grateful for this reward no matter what happens.
8. Read Proverbs 22:6 in your Bible and underline it.
Do you and your husband (wife) agree on how to discipline your children? In what ways do you agree? What ways do you disagree?
What does your spouse say are the ways the two of you agree and disagree about raising children? Is his (her) response the same as yours? If not, how is it different?
Do you or your husband (wife) ever feel that one of you is the disciplinarian and forced to be the bad guy, while the other is always the good guy in the eyes of the child? Explain your answer.
Write out a prayer asking God to help you and your spouse agree on how you discipline your children. Include specifics from your situation.
10. Read Deuteronomy 5:29 in your Bible and underline it. The New King James Version says, 'Oh, that they had such a heart in them that they would fear Me and always keep all My commandments, that it might be well with them and with their children forever!'
What is the promise in this Scripture for you, your spouse, and your children? What does this Scripture inspire you to do?
11. Do you feel that the two of you have enough time alone together without the children? Explain.
Does your spouse feel that the two of you have enough time alone without the children? If you don't know the answer to this question, ask him (her) and write the response here.
Do you and your spouse both feel that you have stayed perfectly connected since the children have come?
How could you and your spouse spend more quality time alone together, get better connected, and increase the level of intimacy between you?
What does your spouse say is a good way to spend quality time together getting better connected?
Read 1 Samuel 1:27 in your Bible and underline it.
Write out a prayer asking God to help you become a powerful praying parent. Ask that for your spouse as well. Pray that God will help you both release your children into His hands and trust Him to help you raise them so you can have more peace, with energy and quality time enough for each other.
12. Read all of the Scriptures out loud on page 116 in The Power of Prayer to Change Your Marriage. Choose one of the Scriptures and write it out on a piece of paper. Keep that paper with you all week and read it over and over until it becomes engraved upon your heart.
13. Pray the prayers out loud on pages 114-115 in the book. Include specifics pertaining to your own situation. If possible, pray together about this important issue.
Week Six
Read Chapter 6: 'If Finances Get Out Of Control' in The Power of Prayer to Change Your Marriage
1. Read Psalm 62:8-10 in your Bible and underline verses 8 and 10.
What are you supposed to set your heart on?
What are you not supposed to set your heart on?
In The Message, verses 8 and 10 of that same Scripture say, 'Trust Him absolutely, people; lay your lives on the line for Him. God is a safe place to be...And a windfall, if it comes—don t make too much of it.'
Do you feel that you or your spouse have in any way set your heart on material gain above your quest for more of
the Lord in your life? If so, write out a prayer of confession to God for that and ask Him to help you have the right perspective when it comes to material gain. If you answered no, write out a prayer asking God to show you any time you are ever tempted to do that.
2. Read Habakkuk 3:17-19 in your Bible and underline these verses.
What should be your attitude during lean times when there is a financial struggle?
Do you feel that your attitude has been good in financially tough times? Explain. How could it be improved?
Do you feel that you and your spouse have had too many difficult times financially, or do you feel that God has blessed you financially and you are grateful? Write out your answer as a prayer to God, asking Him to bless you financially and thanking Him for all the financial blessings you have enjoyed. Be specific.
3. Read Proverbs 13:11 in your Bible and underline it.
We all know that cutting corners, compromising, trying to make a fast buck, or not doing things honestly and legally will never lead to great gain in the long run. Anything gained will be blown away by the wind. In light of this Scripture, what is the best way to increase?
Do you feel you and your spouse both have a good work ethic? In other words, do you both work hard to make life better for each other and your family? Or does one of you feel the other doesn't work hard enough? Explain your answer.
4. Read Proverbs 12:11 in your Bible and underline it.
Have you ever felt that either you or your spouse have chased a dream that wasn't blessed by God and suffered financially for it? Explain your answer.
5. Write out a prayer asking God for the 'Ten Things to Ask God for Regarding Your Finances' on page 119. (For example, 'Lord, I pray You would give to me and my spouse great wisdom about our finances...')
6. Read 1 Chronicles 29:11-14 in your Bible and underline these verses.
Where does everything you have come from?
Do you feel that you and your spouse fully recognize the principle that everything you have comes from God? Does it make giving back to God seem like a natural and easy thing to do? Or is giving to God hard for either you or your spouse? Explain your answer.
Write out a prayer asking God to help you and your spouse see that all you have comes from Him and that giving to Him will bring great rewards. Ask Him to help you find joy to Him. Thank Him for all He has given you, and for all the wonderful blessings He has for you in the future.
7. Read Malachi 3:10-11 in your Bible and underline theses.
Write out a prayer asking God to help you and your spouse be in total agreement about giving to God as He want you to give. In what ways are you in agreement and in what ways are you not?
8. Read Luke 6:38 in your Bible and underline it.
What happens when you give to God?
In what way does God give back to you when you give to Him?
Ask God to help you and your spouse be able to always quickly resolve any conflict between you about this. When there needs to be compromise, pray that you both will ultimately do God's will and find peace in that.
9. Read Matthew 25:35-40 in your Bible and underline these verses. The New King James Version says, ' 'I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.' Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, 'Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?' And the King will answer and say to them, 'Assuredly I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.'
How does God view your giving to others?
Write out a prayer asking God to help you see His face in the poor, hungry, thirsty, and needy people around you so that you will know that what you do for them you are doing for Him as well.
10. Read 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 in your Bible and underline these verses. The New King James Version says, 'This I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity, for God loves a cheerful giver.'
What do these verses say about giving? Write your answer out as a prayer to God, asking Him to help you become that kind of giver.
11. Read Matthew 6:1 in your Bible and underline it.
What is this verse telling you to do?
Do you feel that either you or your spouse ever gives to others more to impress them rather than as a response to
the leading of the Lord? Explain.
Are you and your spouse always in complete agreement about how you give to others? If not, write out a prayer below asking God to give both of you wisdom regarding this, and to bring you both into unity with one another. If you answered yes to that question, write out a prayer asking God to help you and your spouse to always agree about what and when you give to others.
12. Do you ever feel that your spouse disregards how hard you work to bring in money by spending without consideration of your feelings and needs? Does you spouse ever feel that way about you? If you are not sure, ask him (her). Explain your answer below in a prayer to God and ask Him to help you both to work together with your finances.
13. Do you ever feel that your spouse is so frugal with money that you can't even enjoy your lives? Does your spouse ever feel that way about you? Explain your answer and then write out a prayer to God including the things you have observed. Ask Him to help you both be led by the Spirit of God when it comes to spending on anything. Ask Him to help you get free of fear about having enough as well.
14. Write out a prayer including all of the 'Seven Things to Remember About Money' on pages 123-124. (For example, 'Lord, I pray that You would help my husband (wife) and me to always remember that everything we have comes from You. Help us to pray about every aspect of our finances and...')
15. Read Romans 12:2 in your Bible and underline it. The New King James Version says, 'Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.'
Write out a prayer asking God to show you where you and your spouse can simplify your lives in order to take the mental, emotional, and financial burden off of you both. Ask Him to show you where you have conformed to the world by buying more than you can afford or need.
List below anything that comes to mind or that God shows you in the way of simplifying your lives. Ask your spouse for input on this. Even if you can't do it right away, what would you like to see happen in the way of leading a simpler and not overly busy life?
16. Read Proverbs 14:12 in your Bible and underline it.
Write this Scripture out in your own words.
Is there any way you or your spouse have gambled with your money? (For example, with risky investments, reckless giving, foolish buying, actual gambling, ill-fated financial ventures.) If so, write out a prayer asking God to help you both keep from ever squandering money again. Mention specific examples of what you don't want to happen. If you answered no, write out a prayer of thanksgiving to God for your sound judgment and ask Him to keep you both from ever squandering, wasting, or spending money foolishly in the future.
17. Look at the 'Seven Things to Remember About the Work You Do' on pages 127-128 and write out a prayer including all of those things. (For example, 'Lord, I pray that You would help my husband (wife) and me to seek You first about any work we do. Help us to do all of our work with our whole heart and not half-heartedly. Help us to commit our work to You...')
18. Read the following Scriptures in your Bible and underline them. Next to where they are listed below, write down what they are speaking to your heart with regard to your finances.
'My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus' (Philippians 4:19).
'He sought God in the days of Zechariah, who had under standing in the visions of God; and as long as he sought the Lord, God made him prosper' (2 Chronicles 26:5).
'This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success' (Joshua 1:8).
19. Read all of the Scriptures out loud on page 133 in The Power of Prayer to Change Your Marriage. Choose one of the Scriptures to write out on a piece of paper. Keep that paper with you all week and read it over and over until it becomes engraved upon your heart.
20. Pray the prayers out loud on pages 130-132 in the book. Include all the specifics of your own personal financial situation. If possible, pray together with your spouse about this important issue.
Week Seven
Read Chapter 7: 'If Addictions Or Other Destructive Behaviors Manifest' in The Power Of Prayer To Change Your Marriage
1. Read Galatians 6:8 in your Bible and underline it.
Write out this Scripture in your own words.
Do either you or your spouse have any habits that give place to the flesh and annoy each other? Explain your answer.
2. Read Galatians 4:7-9 in your Bible and underline these verses.
Because you have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, you don't have to be a slave to anything else but
Him. Write out a prayer asking God to set you free from any bad habits or destructive behaviors you may have. Thank Him that because you are His child you don't have to be bound by anything other than His love.
3. Read Lamentations 3:22-23 in your Bible and underline these verses. The New King James Version says, 'Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.'
What aspect of these verses gives you hope and faith that you can get free of destructive behavior or bad habits? Explain your answer.
If you or your spouse decides to stop any bad, destructive, or habitual behavior only to find down the road that you have fallen back into it, why do you not need to be discouraged? Why can you have the courage to go back again and again to God for forgiveness, healing, strength, and restoration?
4. Does your spouse have any destructive behavior or bad habits that he (she) needs to be free of? Does he (she) recognize and agree with what you see? Explain your answer.
5. Read Psalm 32:7 in your Bible and underline it. The New King James Version says, 'You are my hiding place; You shall preserve me from trouble; You shall surround me with songs of deliverance.'
What is the promise in this Scripture for you or your spouse with regard to any place where you are a slave to destructive behavior?
What will God do when you turn to Him in your times of trouble with bad habits or addictive or destructive behavior? How much of a comfort is that to you?
6. Read Psalm 37:5 in your Bible and underline it.
Write out in your own words what this Scripture means for you.
How can you or your spouse conquer and have victory over every bad habit?
Write out a prayer committing everything you do to the Lord. Tell Him you trust Him to bring deliverance and freedom where it is needed.
7. We all have weaknesses or places where we are vulnerable. Name specific weaknesses you would like to be free of.
Write out a prayer to God asking Him to help you rise above your weaknesses in the manner listed in the 'Five Ways to Rise Above Your Weaknesses' on page 141. (For example, 'Lord, I invite You to help me rise above my weaknesses by filling me afresh with Your Holy Spirit each day. Help me to daily be in Christ and...')
8. Read Romans 7:15-25 in your Bible and underline the verses that speak to where you are in your personal life right now. The New King James version says, 'What I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do. If, then, I do what I will not to do, I agree with the law that it is good. But now, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me. For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells; for to will is present with me, but how to perform what is good I do not find. For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice. Now if I do what 1 will not to do, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me. I find then a law, that evil is present with me, the one who wills to do good. For I delight in the law of God according to the inward man. But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into
captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? I thank God; through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, with the mind I myself serve the law of God, but with the flesh the law of sin.'
Sum up these verses in your own words. State specifically the things you relate to that are being said in this section of Scripture.
9. Read Philippians 4:13 in your Bible and underline it.
In light of this Scripture, why can you be sure that you will be able to gain victory over any destructive behavior?
10. Ask your spouse what behaviors or habits you have that irritate or worry him (her). Ask what he (she) thinks you should do about them. Write out what he (she) says below.
11. Write out a prayer asking God to deliver you from any behavior that you need to be free of. Be specific.
12. Write out a prayer for your spouse asking God to deliver him (her) from any unwise or destructive behavior you have seen in him (her). Be specific.
13. Read all of the Scriptures out loud on page 148 in The Power of Prayer to Change Your Marriage. Choose one of the Scriptures and write it out on a piece of paper. Keep that paper with you all week and read it over and over until it becomes engraved upon your heart.
14. Pray the prayers out loud on pages 145-14? in the book. Include all the specifics that come to mind about your particular situation as well as that of your spouse. If possible, pray together about this important foundational issue.
Week Eight
Read Chapter 8: 'If Outside Influences Pollute Your Sexual Relationship' in The Power Of Prayer To Change Your Marriage
1. Read Hebrews 4:14-16 in your Bible and underline these verses.
Where and to whom can you go when you are in any way tempted?
What will you find there?
Does Jesus understand your weaknesses? Explain your answer in light of these verses.
2. Read Jeremiah 2:13 in your Bible and underline it. The New King James Version says, 'My people have committed
two evils: They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, and hewn themselves cisterns—broken cisterns that can hold no water.'
What were the two evils that God said His people had committed?
When we turn away from God and allow ourselves to indulge in any kind of sexual temptation—even in our mind or with what we allow ourselves to look at—our life becomes like a leaky vessel that cannot contain the flow of His living water. Write out a prayer asking God to keep you from looking at or thinking about anything that compromises moral purity in your life. Pray the same for your spouse. Pray that neither of you will sacrifice the full sense of His presence by allowing your eyes or your thoughts to go toward anything that is not glorifying to Him. Pray that you will not build a life that cannot contain the flow of His Spirit.
3. Read Jeremiah 2:17 in your Bible and underline it.
We always bring disaster on ourselves when we don't live God's way. There are consequences built in to the things we do that are not right in God's eyes, and those consequences will correct us when we start to experience them. Have you ever felt the consequences for anything you have allowed into your mind or let yourself see that
you knew wasn't glorifying to God? Did it leave you with a bad feeling or a sense of separation from God? Explain your answer and then write out a prayer either confessing to God what has happened and asking Him to cleanse you, or asking God to keep you from ever experiencing anything like that.
4. Read Psalm 101:2 in your Bible and underline it. The New King James Version says, 'I will behave wisely in a perfect way. Oh, when will You come to me? I will walk within my house with a perfect heart.'
What should you be careful to do?
How should you walk in your house?
Where and to whom can you go to find a perfect heart?
Write out a prayer asking God to help you to walk in a perfect way with a perfect heart. Tell Him that you recognize that only He can help you do that. Ask Him to help you avoid anything that is evil or bad in His sight.
5. Read Romans 6:17-18 in your Bible and underline these
verses. The New King James says, 'God be thanked that though you were slaves of sin, yet you obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine to which you were delivered. And having been set free from sin, you became slaves of righteousness.'
What did you used to be before you knew the Lord?
What are you now that you know the Lord and have been set free from sin?
Write out a prayer asking God to keep you free from any sin in your life and to make you a slave to His ways. Pray the same for your spouse.
6. Read the 'Five Things You Should Never Look At' on page 151 in the book and write out a prayer for you and your spouse asking God to help you to never look at those things. Be specific. (For example, 'Lord, help me to never look at anything that draws me away from living in obedience to Your ways...')
7. Read 1 Corinthians 7:4-5 in your Bible and underline these verses. The New Century Version says, 'The wife does not
have lull rights over her own body; her husband shares them. And the husband does not have full rights over his own body; his wife shares them. Do not refuse to give your bodies to each other, unless you both agree to stay away from sexual relations for a time so you can give your time to prayer. Then come together again so Satan cannot tempt you because of a lack of self-control.'
Who has shared rights over your body?
Who has shared rights over your spouse's body?
Why should you not deprive one another sexually?
Write out a prayer asking God to help both you and your spouse be in unity about the frequency and specifics of your sex life so that you never set each other up for temptation.
8. Read Hebrews 12:1-2 in your Bible and underline these verses.
The New King James Version says, 'We also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay
aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.'
What are you supposed to do with the sin that tries to ensnare your life?
How should you run the race of life that is before you?
Jesus endured the cross by keeping in mind the joy that was ahead for Him. Do you believe you can endure the tough times in your marriage by thinking of the joy of having a marriage that lasts as being worth every effort it takes? If so, write out a declaration to God about that. If you don't believe you can say yes to that question, write out a prayer asking God to help you see the bigger picture of a restored marriage the way He wants yours to be.
Think of any time that sin has tried to ensnare you or your spouse in any way, or at least you had a concern that it might, and write out a prayer asking God to help you and your spouse to always remove anything in your lives that would hold you back from the life He has for you.
9. Read 2 Timothy 2:22 in your Bible and underline it. The New King James Version says, 'Flee also youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.'
What are you supposed to run from?
What are you to pursue instead?
Write out a prayer asking God to help you always recognize the trap of the enemy, especially with regard to sexual pollution and temptation. Ask Him to help you always be able to come to your senses quickly and completely and escape the pit the enemy has set for you to fall into.
Write the same thing out for your husband (wife).
10. Read Romans 16:19 in your Bible and underline it. The New Century Version says, 'I want you to be wise in what is good and innocent in what is evil.'
This Scripture says we should be very wise and knowledgeable about all that is good in our lives, but we
are to be innocent about what is evil. In other words, we shouldn't look up evil on the Internet just to see what it is. We shouldn't learn about certain things in magazines and books just so we can know what a particular evil is all about. We don't need to study the counterfeit; we need to study what is real and good instead. Then we will be able to identify the counterfeit when it presents itself. Study God's ways and you will know what is evil in His sight the minute you come in contact with it. Know that you will never be able to see what is evil without sacrificing something in your life. In light of all this, write out a prayer asking God to keep you from seeing anything that would pollute your walk with God and your sexual relationship with your spouse. Be specific where you can think of certain threats or temptations.
11. Read the following Scriptures and write out in your own words what the main message is to you regarding what you are to do with the evil that is around you.
1 Thessalonians 5:22 ____________
Romans 12:21 ____________
James 4:7 ____________
12. Read Philippians 4:8 in your Bible and underline it. The New King James Version says, 'Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy; meditate on these things.'
What are the eight things you should keep your mind focused on? Whatever is: 1._______
Write out a prayer asking God to help you keep your mind focused on those eight things. Mention the specific ones that you need most right now, especially as relates to your relationship with your spouse.
13. Read Psalm 51:10-12 in your Bible and underline these verses. The New King James Version says, 'Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence, and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me by Your generous Spirit.'
This is what David prayed to God after he was deeply convicted of his own sexual sin. What does it appear from the prayer that David had lost when he let himself succumb to evil instead of fleeing from it?
What was David afraid of losing?
What had David already lost?
Would you have the same fears David did if you were to violate God's ways with regard to allowing sexual pollution into your thoughts and actions? Why or why not?
Ask God to show you wherever you have not had a right heart before Him. Write out a confession of any sin He shows you— even something as simple as a wrong attitude toward your spouse and your sexual relationship. Ask God to completely restore you. Include parts of these verses (Psalm 51:10-12) in your prayer.
14. Write out a prayer for your spouse that he (she) will always be able to resist temptation to think about or look at anything that is morally unclean and that violates the sexual purity of your marriage. Ask God to protect him (her) from all that.
15. Write out a prayer asking God to reveal anything in your life or in your spouse's life that is not right in the Lord's eyes: Anything that falls short of what the Lord has for you or that compromises the life of Jesus in you or anything that you have not seen as a problem before now. Tell God you want to clean house of anything that doesn't please Him.
16. Read all of the Scriptures out loud on page 166 in The Power of Prayer to Change Your Marriage. Choose one of the Scriptures to write out on a piece of paper. Keep that paper with you all week and read it over and over until it becomes engraved upon your heart.
17. Pray the prayers out loud on pages 163-165 in the book. Include everything that is specific to you and your spouse.
Week Nine
Read Chapter 9: 'If Hardness Of Heart Causes Love To Die' In The Power Of Prayer To Change Your Marriage
1. Read Proverbs 28:14 in your Bible and underline it. The New King James Version says, 'Happy is the man who is always reverent, but he who hardens his heart will fall into calamity.'
What can happen to you when you let your heart get hard?
In light of this Scripture, how can you keep your heart from getting hard?
What kind of heart will make you happy?
You will always feel bad if you let your heart get hard
toward your spouse. That's because when you harden your heart toward your spouse, you have also hardened it toward________as well. (See page 168, last full paragraph.)
2. David's heart didn't grow hard because his heart was filled with_______and _______.(Seepage 169, bottom of page.)
Do you feel there is any place in you that has allowed your heart to become hard toward your husband (wife) or toward God? If so, write out a confession of that to God and ask Him to give you a heart full of repentance for it so that your heart can be changed. If you answered no, write out a prayer asking God to always keep your heart soft toward Him and your spouse.
3. Read Jeremiah 32:17 in your Bible and underline it. The New King James Version says, 'Ah, Lord God! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. There is nothing too hard for You.'
Write out a prayer thanking God that nothing is too hard for Him, not even the softening of your heart if it has hardened toward your husband (wife), or your spouse's heart has hardened toward you in any way.
4. Read the following Scriptures in your Bible and underline them. Next to each one listed below, write out how God's Word affects your life.
Psalm 37:31 _______
Psalm 119:11 _______
Hebrews 4:12 _______
5. Read Romans 2:5-10 in your Bible and underline these verses. The New King James Version says, 'In accordance with your hardness and your impenitent heart you are treasuring up for yourself wrath in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God, who will render to each one according to his deeds: eternal life to those who by patient continuance in doing good seek for glory, honor, and immortality; but to those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness; indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish, on every soul of man who does evil, of the Jew first and also of the Greek; but glory, honor, and peace to everyone who works what is good, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.'
What would be the consequences of doing wrong and allowing your heart to grow hard and unrepentant?
What are the consequences that come to those who are repentant in heart and do what's right?
6. Read Psalm 64:10 in your Bible and underline it. The New Century Version says, 'Good people will be happy in the Lord and will find protection in Him.' People who live God's way will find what two things?
7. Read Isaiah 38:1-5 in your Bible and underline verses 2 and 5.
How did Hezekiah walk before God in his life?
What did Hezekiah do when faced with a life-and-death situation?
What did God do in response to Hezekiah's prayer?
In light of this section of Scripture, do you believe that God rewards fervent prayer and a repentant and humble heart? How could having a right heart and living His way affect your marriage?
8. Read Psalm 73:26 and Psalm 4:7 in your Bible and underline them. The New King James Version says, 'My flesh and my heart fail; but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever' (Psalm 73:26). 'You have put gladness, in my heart, more than in the season that their grain and wine increased' (Psalm 4:7).
Write out a prayer asking God to fill you with strength of heart, joy, and gladness, even when your heart fails and your flesh longs to be in control. Ask Him to always reveal to you if there is any place in you where your heart is not completely right toward Him or toward your husband (wife).
9. Do you ever feel that your spouse's heart has become hard toward you or toward God? If so, write out a prayer asking God to soften your spouse's heart and fill it with strength, gladness, and the joy of the Lord. If you answered no, write out a prayer asking God to keep your spouse's heart filled with joy, gladness, and strength so that it never does get hard toward you or God.
10. Read Ephesians 3:14-19 in your Bible and underline the verses that speak to your heart.
Write out a prayer for your spouse with these verses in mind. (For example, 'Heavenly Father, I bow before You and ask that You would strengthen my husband's (wife's) heart and soul by the power of Your Spirit...')
11. Read all of the Scriptures out loud on page 179 in The Power of Prayer to Change Your Marriage. Choose one of the Scriptures and write it out on a piece of paper. Keep that paper with you all week and read it over and over until it becomes engraved upon your heart.
12. Pray the prayers out loud on pages 176-178 in the book. Include all the specifics that come to mind with regard to you and your spouse and the condition of your hearts toward one another and the Lord.
Week Ten
Read Chapter 10: 'If You Are No Longer Each Other's Top Priority' in The Power Of Prayer To Change Your Marriage
1. Read Matthew 22:37-40 in your Bible and underline these verses.
What are the two top priorities Jesus instructed us to have? Priority #1__________________
Priority #2__________________
Which of those two priorities do you find most difficult to maintain? Explain your answer.
2. Read 1 John 3:16-18 in your Bible and underline these verses.
What are the main things we are to do if we love God?
How are we to do that? What happens if we don't do it? How should this knowledge affect the way you relate to your spouse?
3. Do you feel that your actions always show or prove that your spouse is your top priority under God in your life? Explain your answer.
4. Does your spouse feel that he (she) is a top priority under God in your life? Ask him (her) if you don't know and write what his (her) answer is here. How did it compare with your answer above?
Ask your spouse what you could do to better communicate that he (she) is your top priority.
5. Do you feel that in your spouse's heart you are his (her) top priority next to God? What makes you think one way or the other? Explain your answer.
6. Ask your spouse if you are a top priority to him (her) under God. Write his (her) response here. How does it compare with your answer to number 5 above?
7. Write out a prayer asking God to show you some ways in which you could better communicate to your spouse that you see him (her) as a priority in your life. If you feel you already communicate this well, write out a prayer asking God to show you any way it can be improved. Ask God to reveal anything you have not seen before with regard to this.
8. Read Matthew 6:31-34 in your Bible and underline verse 33.
God knows the things you need, but He still requires that you have one priority that causes you to do one thing. What is that priority and what are you to do?
God knows that you need more than food and clothes in this life. He knows you also need Him to make your marriage become all it was intended to be. In light of these verses, what should you do with regard to your marriage every day?
9. Read 1 Peter 4:19 in your Bible and underline it. The New King James Version says, 'Therefore let those who suffer according to the will of God commit their souls to Him in doing good, as to a faithful Creator.'
Even though there may be times of suffering in your marriage, as you work through the deeper issues that can happen to any couple, you have to have a strong belief that your marriage is the will of God for your lives. Write out a prayer below asking God to confirm or reconfirm in your heart that being married to your spouse is God's will for your life. Tell Him that you recommit to doing what's right with regard to always working things out between you.
10. Write out a prayer for your spouse asking God to reveal to him (her) that making your marriage a priority in his (her) life is fulfilling the will of God.
11. Read Isaiah 25:9 in your Bible and underline it.
Write this Scripture out as a prayer and a declaration to God that no matter what happens in your marriage and no matter how great the struggle is, you will pray and wait on God to save you both.
12. Read Galatians 5:22-23 in your Bible and underline these verses. The New King James Version says, 'The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.'
Of all the fruit of the Spirit listed there, which two do you most need to manifest in you right now?_______and _______.
Which two do you need most to manifest in your spouse? _______and_______.
Write out a prayer asking God to instill those qualities into your hearts and minds and enable you to exhibit those particular fruits of the spirit. (For example, 'Lord, I pray that in my spouse I would see greater patience and kindness...')
13. Read all of the Scriptures out loud on page 194 in The Power of Prayer to Change Your Marriage. Choose one of the Scriptures to write out on a piece of paper. Keep that paper with you all week and read it over and over until it becomes engraved upon your heart.
14. Pray the prayers out loud on pages 192-193 in the book. Include all specifics that come to mind regarding the priorities each of you have in your marriage.
Week Eleven
Read Chapter 11: 'If the 'D' Word Becomes an Option' in The Power Of Prayer To Change Your Marriage
1. Read Malachi 2:13-16 in your Bible and underline these verses.
Describe how God feels about how you treat your spouse and about divorce.
2. Read Colossians 3:13 and Ephesians 4:32 in your Bible and underline them.
In light of these Scriptures and with regard to your spouse, what should you do?
3. Are there any hard areas in your marriage that you feel could destroy it if they get worse? Explain. If you can't think of anything like that, write out a prayer asking God to keep you from anything that would lead to divorce.
4. Write out a prayer asking God to show you anything you need to see in yourself, your spouse, or your marriage that could lead to a serious breakdown in the relationship if it is not corrected. Write down anything God reveals to you.
5. Read Proverbs 4:23-27 in your Bible and underline these verses. The New King James Version says, 'Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life. Put away from you a deceitful mouth, and put perverse lips far from you. Let your eyes look straight ahead, and your eyelids look right before you. Ponder the path of your feet, and let all your ways be established. Do not turn to the right or the left; remove your foot from evil.'
Write out these verses as a prayer for both you and your spouse that you will be vigilant to guard your heart from thoughts and plans that are not pleasing to God. Ask God to help you do all the things that are suggested in these verses.
6. Read Psalm 62:5-7 in your Bible and underline these verses.
Write this section of Scripture out as a prayer, telling God that you want to run to Him when things get difficult rather than away from Him and toward divorce. Ask Him to help you trust in His ability to protect and transform your marriage relationship.
7. Have you ever thought about divorce as a way out of any problems in your marriage? If so, write out a prayer of confession before God. Tell Him the reason you considered divorce and ask Him to cleanse you of those kinds of thoughts. If you have never considered divorce even briefly as a solution to problems in your marriage, write out a prayer asking God to help you always resist any thoughts of divorce in your future.
8. Has your spouse ever mentioned divorce as something he (she) has considered in your marriage? If so, write out a prayer asking God to give him (her) a repentant heart about that and to keep him (her) from entertaining such thoughts again. If your spouse has never mentioned divorce with regard to your marriage, write out a praise to God for that and a prayer asking God to help your spouse to always refuse to entertain those kinds of thoughts in the future.
9. Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 in your Bible and underline these verses. The New King James Version says, 'Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.'
List the things you do that demonstrate love for your spouse.
List the areas where you feel you need the most improvement.
List the things your spouse does that demonstrate his (her) love for you.
List the areas where you feel your spouse needs the most improvement.
In light of your answers above, write out a prayer asking God to help you and your spouse in the areas where you most need to improve. Be specific. (For example, 'Lord, I pray that You would help my spouse be able to better endure any tough times that happen in our marriage. Help
me to be more patient...')
10. Read Genesis 2:18 in your Bible and underline it.
In what ways are you a great help your spouse? If you don't know, ask him (her).
In what ways could you be a help to your spouse that you are not now? If you are not sure, ask God and your spouse and write what they reveal to you here.
In what ways does your spouse help you?
In what ways would you like your spouse to help you that he (she) is not doing now?
Write out a prayer asking God to show you and your spouse how you can better help one another as God intended you to.
11. Read all of the Scriptures out loud on page 207 in The Power of Prayer to Change Your Marriage. Choose one of the Scriptures to write out on a piece of paper. Keep that paper
with you all week and read it over and over until it becomes engraved upon your heart.
12. Pray the prayers out loud on pages 205-206 in the book. Include anything specific that comes to your mind about your marriage and the stability of it so that it will never end up in divorce.
Week Twelve
Read Chapter 12: 'If Infidelity Shakes Your Foundation' in The Power of Prayer to Change Your Marriage
1. Read Matthew 5:28 in your Bible and underline it.
Have you ever had thoughts of being with someone other than your spouse? If so, write out a prayer confessing it before God (don't mention any names) and ask Him to set you free from any such thoughts in the future. If you answered no to that question, write out a prayer thanking God for keeping you from those kinds of thoughts and ask Him to continue to keep your mind pure of any adulterous thoughts in the future.
2. What are some things a husband can do to set his wife up for moral failure? (See page 215, last paragraph.)
3. What are some things a wife can do to set her husband up for moral failure? (See page 216, first paragraph.)
4. Read Proverbs 2:10-19 in your Bible and underline these verses.
What happens when you have wisdom, discretion, and understanding?
Where does any form of immorality and sexual failure lead and what is the ultimate end?
5. Read Hebrews 4:15-16 in your Bible and underline these verses. The New King James Version says, 'We do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.'
In light of these verses, where should you go the minute you are tempted toward any kind of adulterous thoughts or actions? Why?
What will you find when you go immediately to the Lord the moment you are tempted in any way?
6. Read Romans 8:1-2 in your Bible and underline these verses. The New King James Version says, 'There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.'
How can you stay free of condemnation?
What has the law of the Spirit of life in Christ done for you?
Write out a prayer thanking God that you can always come to Him at any time and repent of any thought or deed that compromises the way He wants you to live, and He will forgive you and set you free.
7. Read the list of 'Things That Are True About Finding Freedom and Deliverance' listed below. Then read the Scriptures written below that. Next to each Scripture, write in one of the things from the 'Finding Freedom and Deliverance' list that best sums up that Scripture and write it
out next to the Scripture reference.
Things That Are True About Finding Freedom And Deliverance • With God on your side, the enemy can't win. • Once you are free from dishonorable things, God will use you for a high purpose. • God can and will deliver you from all evil. • We must war in the spirit in order to defeat acts of the flesh. • Jesus has destroyed the works of the enemy.
' 'No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from Me,' says the Lord' (Isaiah 54:17).
'In a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some for honor and some for dishonor. Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work. Flee also youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure
heart' (2 Timothy 2:20-22).
'The Lord will deliver me from every evil work and preserve me for His heavenly kingdom. To Him be glory forever and ever. Amen!' (2 Timothy 4:18).
'Though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled' (2 Corinthians 10:3-6).
'Little children, let no one deceive you. He who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous. He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil' (1 John 3:7-8).
8. Write out a prayer asking God to free you from anything that the enemy would use to bind you. Refer to any of the Scriptures listed above to enrich your prayer. (For example, 'Lord, set me free from any trap of the enemy that would try to tempt me toward any kind of adulterous thoughts or actions. Thank You that no weapon formed against me will
prosper and therefore...')
9. Write out a prayer for your spouse that he (she) would be protected at work or wherever else he (she) may be from any advancement of someone who has the intent of enticing him (her) to do evil.
10. Write out a prayer asking God to keep you safe wherever you go from anyone who would try to tempt you toward any adulterous thoughts or actions.
11. Read all of the Scriptures out loud on page 224 in The Power of Prayer to Change Your Marriage. Choose one of the Scriptures and write it out on a piece of paper. Keep that paper with you all week and read it over and over until it becomes engraved upon your heart.
12. Pray the prayers out loud on pages 222-223 of the book. Include all the specifics that come to mind with regard to the purity of your marriage.
Week Thirteen
Read chapter 13: 'If One Of You Decides To Leave Home' in The Power Of Prayer To Change Your Marriage
1. Read Psalm 16:7 in your Bible and underline it.
What does God give to you?
Because separation begins in the heart, you have to look there to see if it is developing in either you or your spouse. Write out a prayer asking God to show you if any kind of separation has happened in any way to you and your spouse. Ask Him to reveal anything you need to see.
Do you feel in your heart that there is any degree of separation between you and your spouse over anything? (See page 225, first paragraph, for possibilities.) If you think so, write a prayer asking God to help you and your spouse come into unity of mind and heart and reestablish intimacy and connection in those areas. II you answered no to that question, write out a prayer asking God to help
you both always stay connected to one another and not drift apart. Ask God to keep your eyes open to the threat of separation of any kind ever happening between you. Ask God to instruct your heart and show you things you need to see.
2. If you were to see that some changes need to be made, would you be willing to say to your spouse, 'I want you and me to seek the Lord together so He can make changes in both of us.' Would you be willing to say all the things mentioned in the paragraph at the bottom of page 225? Write out below what you would want to say to your spouse if you ever sensed that there was a separation occurring in your hearts toward one another.
3. Read Proverbs 16:9 in your Bible and underline it.
What does that verse speak to your heart about your marriage with regard to ever leaving it?
Write out a prayer for you and your spouse asking God to direct your steps no matter what your hearts are telling you to do at the moment.
4. Read 1 Corinthians 7:10-11 in your Bible and underline these verses. The New King James Version says, 'Now to the married I command, yet not I but the Lord: A wife is not to depart from her husband. But even if she does depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband. And a husband is not to divorce his wife.'
It appears that God does not want you to separate, but if you must for whatever good reason, what should be your intentions in doing so? (See page 228, first paragraph, for more help.)
5. Whenever there is strife in your marriage—especially the kind of strife that leads to a widening of separation between you—you need to find a place of rest in the Lord. Read the 'Ten Things God Says About Finding a Place of Rest' on page 230, and using the points listed there along with the Scriptures, write out your own prayer asking God to help you find that place of rest. (For example, 'Lord, I thank You that You have promised us a place of rest in Your Word. I pray that...')
6. Read James 1:5 in your Bible and underline it.
What are you supposed to do when you don't know what to do in your marriage?
Write out a prayer asking God for wisdom regarding your marriage. Ask Him to specifically reveal to you anything you or your spouse are doing to cause a separation between you and to show you how to rectify it.
7. Read Proverbs 27:20 in your Bible and underline it. This verse in The New International Version says, 'Death and Destruction are never satisfied, and neither are the eyes of man.'
It is our sinful nature to always want more than we have. In a marriage that can be disastrous. In what ways have you wanted your spouse to be more than he (she) is now? Remember, it is one thing to believe and pray for the best in someone and another to constantly criticize that person because they have not lived up to your standards. Which way have you related to your spouse with regard to his (her) potential to become all God created him (her) to be? Explain.
Write out a prayer asking God to show you if you have been critical of your spouse in your mind or heart. If so, ask God to give you a heart of appreciation for your spouse. If you are already appreciative of your spouse, ask God to show you greater ways to show your appreciation.
Ask God to give you a vision of all He created your spouse to be, and write what you envision here. Write what you hope for your spouse to become.
Ask God to give you a vision for yourself that includes what He has created you to be. Write out a description of the kind of person you want to become.
8. Too often people become separated—first emotionally and mentally, and then physically—because one spouse has stopped listening to the other. Or perhaps neither spouse is listening to the other at all. They stop asking questions because they don't care about the answer. They only care about their own solutions to 'fix' the problems. Write out a prayer asking God to help you have ears to hear what your spouse is saying, or has been saying for a while now. Ask God to show you what you may have discounted, ignored, or brushed off that your spouse has said.
Do you feel that your spouse has not really heard you at times? Do you feel that he (she) doesn't really get you or understand what you are all about? Explain your answer in a prayer either asking God to give your spouse greater understanding of you and the ability to really hear you, or thanking God for the great understanding your spouse has of you and his (her) ability to hear and understand what you communicate.
Long before any physical separation happens between a husband and wife, there are usually signs or signals that something is wrong. Ask God to help you always be aware of any need or frustration in your spouse that must be addressed and prayed about. If you are not sure about your answer, ask your spouse to tell you if there is anything he (she) has tried to communicate to you that you aren't getting and include that in your prayer.
If you could share with your spouse right now the things you don't feel he (she) has really heard you saying, what would you say to him (her)?
Write out a prayer asking God to open up your spouse's ability to hear your heart and understand what you are saying to him (her).
9. Read all of the Scriptures out loud on page 236 in The Power of Prayer to Change Your Marriage. Choose one of the Scriptures and write it out on a piece of paper. Keep that paper with you all week and read it over and over until it becomes engraved upon your heart.
10. Pray the prayers out loud on pages 233-235 of the book.
Include any specifics that pertain to your particular situation.
Week Fourteen
Read Chapter 14: 'If Hope Seems Lost and You Need a Miracle' in The Power of Prayer to Change Your Marriage
1. Read Hebrews 10:23 in your Bible and underline it.
In light of this Scripture, why can you have hope that doesn't waver?
2. Read Hebrews 11:1 in your Bible and underline it.
In your own words, describe what faith is according to this Scripture.
What do you hope for with regard to your marriage?
What is your highest hope of all, even if it seems out of reach right now?
Read Galatians 5:5 in your Bible and underline it. The New International Version says, 'By faith we eagerly await through the Spirit the righteousness for which we hope.'
How are you to wait for the right things to happen in your marriage? How are you to wait for your greatest hope?
3. Read Deuteronomy 20:3 in your Bible and underline it.
When the enemy attacks your marriage, what should you not do?
Write out a declaration to God, telling Him that because His power is greater than anything the enemy tries to do to you and because His Word is in your heart, you will not be afraid of what the enemy tries to bring into your life and your marriage.
4. Read Romans 5:3-4 in your Bible and underline these
verses. The New King James Version says, 'Not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope.'
What can come out of the difficult times you experience in your marriage if you do things God's way?
5. Read 1 Peter 4:19 in your Bible and underline it. The New King James Version says, 'Let those who suffer according to the will of God commit their souls to Him in doing good, as to a faithful Creator.'
Are you willing to say to God, 'Even though there have been times of suffering, I believe our marriage is Your will for our lives. I commit to doing what's right in thought, word, and deed in regard to working things out'? If so, write out those thoughts as your own in a prayer of commitment to your marriage before God.
6. Read Philippians 3:13-14 in your Bible and underline these verses.
In light of these verses, what should you do with regard to your marriage?
You have to let go of things that have happened in the past so you can move into all God has for you— especially when it comes to your marriage. Write out a prayer asking God to help you let go of anything that is not His will for your life, whether it is something from the past or something in the present.
7. Read Isaiah 25:9 in your Bible and underline it.
What is God telling you to do in this Scripture?
Waiting on God to answer your prayers is better than waiting for a spouse to be willing to be changed. Often we wait a long time to see changes happen, but when you wait on God instead of waiting on your spouse, it makes the waiting easier. That's because with God you can trust His perfect timing. With God you can believe that something is happening, even if you can't see it yet. Write out a prayer asking God to help you wait patiently and faithfully on His timing for the answer to your prayers. Be specific about what you are waiting for.
8. Read Philippians 4:11 in your Bible and underline it. The New King James Version says, 'Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content.'
Write out a prayer asking God to help you have that same kind of peace as described in that Scripture. Ask Him to help you be content where you are while waiting for the changes in you and your spouse that are God's will for your life.
9. Read Psalm 121:1 in your Bible and underline it.
Where is your focus to be while you wait for things to change?
10. Read 1 Corinthians 13:13 in your Bible and underline it.
What are the three things that last?_______, _______,
and_______. What is the greatest of these?_______. Write out a prayer asking God to give you great faith and hope. Ask Him to pour His love into both you and your spouse in such a powerful way that it overflows to one another in life transforming proportions.
11. Read all of the Scriptures out loud on page 249 in The Power of Prayer to Change Your Marriage. Choose one of the Scriptures and write it out on a piece of paper. Keep that paper with you all week and read it over and over until it becomes engraved upon your heart.
12. Pray the prayers out loud on pages 246-248 in the book. Include all the specifics of your own marriage relationship. Then give God praise that because of Him you always have hope no matter what is happening at the time in your marriage.